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Systems Programming


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Systems Programming

1   Requirements

Each Web server routinely logs accesses from other Web servers and browsers.  The log   is a text file in which each line contains a date and a hostname.  Each date is logged in the format dd/mm/yyyy. This is the only acceptable input format. You must ensure input  conforms. Each hostname ends with a 2-letter country code such as uk or fr (or a 3-letter code such as com) preceded by a dot/period/full-stop (‘.’).  The final token in a hostname   is usually called the “top level domain”, or TLD for short. The log might look like this:

















A new regulation requires that we track access by country, being able to demonstrate the  percentage of accesses from each country over a given time. The politicians have allowed that tracking accesses by TLD is sufficient to satisfy the regulation. Given the above log,  if the period of interest is, say, 1/12/2017 to 31/12/2018, the program output should be:

33.33 com

16.67 de

50.00 uk

Since the program is to execute on a Linux platform, there is no requirement that the summary statistics be output in any particular order, as we can pipe the output of the program into sort to yield the ordering desired.

2   Specification

Given a start date, an end date, and one or more log files, the program is to determine the percentage of access from each TLD during that period, outputting the final percentages  on standard output, as shown above.

Hostnames, and therefore, top level domain names, are case-insensitive. Therefore, accesses by X.Y.UK and a.b.uk are both accesses from the same TLD (i.e. uk).

3   Design

You are provided with the source file for the main() driver in tldmonitor.c, and header files for two abstract data types (ADTs): date.h and tldlist.h.

3.1  date.h (comments are part of the required specification)



typedef struct date Date;


* date_create creates a Date structure from `datestr`

* `datestr' is expected to be of the form "dd/mm/yyyy"

* returns pointer to Date structure if successful,

*         NULL if not (syntax error)


Date *date_create(char *datestr);


* date_duplicate creates a duplicate of `d'

* returns pointer to new Date structure if successful,

*         NULL if not (memory allocation failure)


Date *date_duplicate(Date *d);


* date_compare compares two dates, returning <0, 0, >0 if

* date1<date2, date1==date2, date1>date2, respectively


int date_compare(Date *date1, Date *date2);


* date_destroy returns any storage associated with `d' to the system


void date_destroy(Date *d);

#endif /* _DATE H INCLUDED_ */

The struct date, and the corresponding typedef Date, define an opaque data structure for a date.

The constructor for this ADT is date_create(); it converts a datestring in the format “dd/mm/yyyy” to a Date structure. You will have to use malloc() to allocate this Date  structure to return to the user. Note: we advise against using strtok() as it can lead to   undefined behaviour; instead, use strdup() or whatever else that works reliably.

date_duplicate() is known as a copy constructor; it duplicates the Date argument on the heap (using malloc()) and returns it to the user.

date_compare() compares two Date structures, returning <0, 0, >0 if date1<date2, date1==date2, date1>date2, respectively.

date_destroy() returns the heap storage associated with the Date structure.

3.2  tldlist.h (comments are part of the required specification)



#include "date.h"

typedef struct tldlist TLDList;

typedef struct tldnode TLDNode;

typedef struct tlditerator TLDIterator;


* tldlist_create generates a list structure for storing counts against

* top level domains (TLDs)


* creates a TLDList that is constrained to the `begin' and `end' Date's

* returns a pointer to the list if successful, NULL if not


TLDList *tldlist_create(Date *begin, Date *end);


* tldlist_destroy destroys the list structure in `tld'


* all heap allocated storage associated with the list is returned to the heap


void tldlist_destroy(TLDList *tld);


* tldlist_add adds the TLD contained in `hostname' to the tldlist if

* `d' falls in the begin and end dates associated with the list;

* returns 1 if the entry was counted, 0 if not


int tldlist_add(TLDList *tld, char *hostname, Date *d);


* tldlist_count returns the number of successful tldlist_add() calls since

* the creation of the TLDList


long tldlist_count(TLDList *tld);


* tldlist_iter_create creates an iterator over the TLDList; returns a pointer

* to the iterator if successful, NULL if not


TLDIterator *tldlist_iter_create(TLDList *tld);


* tldlist_iter_next returns the next element in the list; returns a pointer

* to the TLDNode if successful, NULL if no more elements to return


TLDNode *tldlist_iter_next(TLDIterator *iter);


* tldlist_iter_destroy destroys the iterator specified by `iter'


void tldlist_iter_destroy(TLDIterator *iter);


* tldnode_tldname returns the tld associated with the TLDNode


char *tldnode_tldname(TLDNode *node);


* tldnode_count returns the number of times that a log entry for the

* corresponding tld was added to the list


long tldnode_count(TLDNode *node);

#endif /* _TLDLIST H INCLUDED_ */

TLDList, TLDIterator, and TLDNode are opaque data structures that you can only manipulate using methods in this class.

tldlist_create() creates a TLDList which can be used to store the counts of log

entries against TLD strings; the begin and end date arguments enable filtering of added entries to be in the preferred date range.

tldlist_destroy() returns the heap storage associated with the TLDList structure.

tldlist_add() will count the log entry if the associated date is within the preferred data range.

tldlist_count() returns the number of log entries that have been  counted in the list. tldlist_iter_create() creates an iterator to enable you to iterate over the entries,    independent of the data structure chosen for representing the list (i.e. flatten the tree).    tldlist_iter_next() returns the next TLDNode in the list, or NULL if there are no     more entries.

tldnode_tldname() returns the string for the TLD represented by this node.

tldnode_count() returns the number of log entries that were counted for that TLD.

3.3  tldmonitor.c

#include "date.h"

#include "tldlist.h"

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#define USAGE "usage: %s begin_datestamp end_datestamp [file] ...\n"

static void process(FILE *fd, TLDList *tld) {

char bf[1024], sbf[1024];

Date *d;

while (fgets(bf, sizeof(bf), fd) != NULL) {

char *q, *p = strchr(bf, ' ');

if (! p) {

fprintf(stderr, "Illegal input line: %s", bf);



strcpy(sbf, bf);

*p++ = '\0';

while (*p == ' ')


q = strchr(p, '\n');

if (! q) {

fprintf(stderr, "Illegal input line: %s", sbf);



*q = '\0';

d = date_create(bf);

(void) tldlist_add(tld, p, d);




int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

Date *begin, *end;

int i;

FILE *fd;

TLDList *tld;

TLDIterator *it;

TLDNode *n;

double total;

if (argc < 3) {

fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]);

return -1;


begin = date_create(argv[1]);

if (! begin) {

fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]);

return -1;


end = date_create(argv[2]);

if (! end) {

fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]);

return -1;


tld = tldlist_create(begin, end);

if (! tld) {

fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create TLD list\n");

return -2;


if (argc == 3)

process(stdin, tld);

else {

for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) {

if (strcmp(argv[i], "-") == 0)

fd = stdin;


fd = fopen(argv[i], "r");

if (! fd) {

fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s\n", argv[i]);



process(fd, tld);

if (fd != stdin)




total = (double)tldlist_count(tld);

it = tldlist_iter_create(tld);

if (! it) {

fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create iterator\n");

return -2;


while ((n = tldlist_iter_next(it))) {

printf("%6.2f %s\n", 100.0 * (double)tldnode_count(n)/total,







return 0;


The main program is invoked as

./tldmonitor  begin_date  end_date [file] ...

If no file is present in the arguments, stdin will be processed. Additionally, if a filename is the string “ -“, the program will process stdin at that point.

The mainline functionality of tldmonitor.c consists of the following pseudocode:

process the arguments

create a TLD list

if no file args are provided

process stdin

else for each file in the argument list

open the file

process the file

close the file

create an iterator

while there is another entry in the iterator

print out the percentage associated with that TLD

destroy the iterator

destroy the Date structures

destroy the TLDList

A static function process is provided to process all the log entries in a particular log file.

4   Implementation

You are to implement date.c and tldlist.c. The implementations must match the   function prototypes in the headers listed in section 3 above. You should use a binary search tree (BST) as the basis of your TLDNode structure. There is no need to

balance the BST. Please read the comments in section 3 carefully and make sure your implementation follows all the requirements.

Your code must work correctly with the clang compiler without using any --std flags on the School’s stlinux02...12 servers, regardless of which platform you use for    development and testing (e.g. your personal computer). Leave enough time to fully test on the stlinux machines before submission.

Your marks for each source file will depend upon its design, implementation, and its

ability to perform correctly when executed. Memory leaks will be penalized. tldmonitor will be tested against some VERY LARGE, ALREADY SORTED log files to see if you   have correctly implemented your tree.

N.B. If your code does not compile, you will not receive any marks for compilation and

output, but could still gain marks for implementation. A complete mark scheme is provided below.

In addition to tldmonitor.c, date.h and tldlist.h, you are provided with

tldlist.o, which is a linked list implementation of tldlist.c. This will permit you to test your implementation of date.c against a working, albeit inefficient, implementation of tldlist. You are also provided sample input files and the output that your program    should generate for that input file. The following commands should yield NO output if

you have implemented your ADTs correctly:

% ./tldmonitor 01/01/2000 01/09/2020 < small.txt | sort -n | diff -


% ./tldmonitor 01/01/2000 01/09/2020 < large.txt | sort -n | diff -


For string manipulation, we advise against using strtok() as it can cause undefined behaviour. Instead, use strrchr() along with strdup().

5   Submission

Submit your solutions electronically via Moodle and Aropä:


Your submission needs to be anonymous! This means that there should not be

anything in your code that could identify you as your name, GUID, or any other personal information.

The expected list of files in your submission are:

.    date.c

.    tldlist.c

.    report.pdf – A brief report (~1 page) in PDF, the contents of which are outlined below Due to the peer marking scheme we will not be able to grant extensions, which is why    we are releasing the coursework specification this early. So please plan ahead.

The PDF report should include:

.    An authorship statementthat clearly indicates for each part of your submitted code whether either of the following apply:

o “This is my own work as defined in the Academic Ethics agreement I have signed.”

o “This is my own work except for …”

.    The overall state of your solution, specifically:

Compilation: Does it compile without any errors or warnings?

Test runs: Does it produce the expected output with the small and large test inputs (see the footnote in the previous section)?

Bugs: Does your code have any bugs that you are aware of?

It is important that your report is accurate; e.g., it is offensive to report that everything

works when it does not even compile.

You must complete an Own Work” form viahttps://studentltc.dcs.gla.ac.uk/

Assignments will be checked for collusion and plagiarism. It is better to turn in an incomplete solution that is your own than a copy of someone else’s work.

6   Marking Scheme

Your submission will be marked on a 100 point scale.  Substantial emphasis is placed

upon WORKING submissions, and you will note that a large fraction of the points is

reserved for this aspect. Please note that a successful BST implementation depends on the date ADT. Also, it is to your advantage to ensure that whatever you submit compiles, links, and runs correctly even if it is not a complete implementation of all the required specification!

The marking scheme is as follows:




Your report accurately & honestly describes the state of your submission


Date ADT

6 for workable solution (looks like it should work)

2 if it successfully compiles

2 if it compiles with no warnings

6 if it works correctly (when tested with an unseen driver program) 4 if there are no memory leaks


TLDList Binary Search Tree ADT

24 for workable solution (looks like it should work)

2 if it successfully compiles

2 if it compiles with no warnings

2 if it successfully links with tldmonitor

2 if it links with no warnings

18 if it works correctly with small.txt and large.txt

4 if it works correctly with 10,000 entry unseen log file

4 if it works correctly with 1,000,000 entry unseen log file

6 if it works correctly with sorted 1,000,000 entry unseen log file 6 if there are no memory leaks

Several things should be noted about the marking schemes:


NOT BE CONSIDERED AS EVIDENCE AND CANNOT BE MARKED! The 10 points associated with the report are probably the easiest 10 points you will    earn as long as you are honest.

.    If your solution does not look workable, then the points associated with successful compilation and lack of compilation errors are not available to you. This prevents  you from handing in a stub implementation for each of the methods in each ADT   and receiving points because they compile without errors but do nothing.

.    The points associated with workable solution” are the maximum number of  points that can be awarded. If it is deemed that only part of the solution looks workable, then you will be awarded a portion of the points in that category.