关键词 > ELEC3104

ELEC3104: Digital Signal Processing


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ELEC3104: Digital Signal Processing

PROJECT - T3, 2023

This project is an important part of the laboratory component of this course and is designed to focus on the application of the theory you learn in the lectures and tutorials to practically implement DSP systems. You can work on this project in your own time and successful completion will require independent learning on your part. You can choose your target TLT Level and work towards it.

1.   TLT Level 2 has a maximum mark of 64%

2.   TLT Level 3 has a maximum mark of 74%

3.   TLT Level 4 has a maximum mark of 84%

4.   TLT Level 5 has a maximum mark of 100%

TLT Level 2

Platform: MATLAB

Implement a 5-channel equaliser that can read in an audio file (.wav format, 16kHz sampling rate),  split  into  five  frequency  bands  (channels),  apply  a  desired  gain  in  each  channel, reconstruct the audio signal and save it as an audio file. The system should not introduce any perceptible distortion to the audio signal except for the desired gains in each channel. You should choose appropriate frequency ranges for the five channels.

TLT Level 3

Platform: MATLAB

Implement a real-time 5-channel equaliser where you can adjust the gain of each channel at anytime. The system should read an audio file (.wav format, 16kHz sampling rate) and output via speakers/headphones. The system should not introduce any perceptible distortion to the audio signal except for the desired gains in each channel. You should choose appropriate frequency ranges for the five channels.

TLT Level 4

Platform: myRIO

Complete the TLT Level 3 task and implement the same system on the myRIO with on screen sliders to control the gains in each channel. This system should take its input via its audio input and play the output via headphones/speakers. The system should not introduce any perceptible distortion to the audio signal except for the desired gains in each channel.

TLT Level 5

Platform: MATLAB

One of the purposes of the equaliseris to compensate for any distortion that maybe introduced by the  subsequent  audio  signal  path  all  the  way  to  the  output  via  headphones/speakers. Assuming this audio path can be modelled as a linear time invariant filter, design, implement and validate a system that automatically determines the equaliser channel gains for the system developed for TLT level 3 to minimise any distortion. You should assume the speaker output

can be measured but the audio signal path model is not known a priori.

NOTE: The level 5 project intentionally gives you a broad goal without prescribing any specific approach. There are multiple approaches that can be adopted, and this choice is left to you. It is highly recommended that you discuss your ideas with your lab demonstrators first before investing a lot of time into implementation.