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Assignment 3


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Assignment 3


1.   Due: October 29th, 11:59pm

2.   Submit both awritten report and the accompanying Excel spreadsheet model by the

deadline. The report should adhere to the format exemplified in the sample report for Assignment 1 and must include the following elements:

.    problem definition (decisions to be made, performance measure, constraints)

.    mathematical model (decision variables, objective function, constraints)

.    screenshots of the spreadsheet, showcasing the formulas utilized to calculate critical quantities within the model.

.    screenshot of the Solver Parameter window that specifies the objective cell, decision cells and constraints

.    optimal solution and optimal objective value

.    conclusion with your recommendation

Problem 1 (3 points). The Motel Location for Nature’s Inn

The case is attached.

Problem 2 (3 points). Hornby Products Company

The case is attached.