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Assignment for ECON6008A


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Assignment for ECON6008A

You are required to form a group of up to 6 students to complete this assignment. If you cannot, the TA will form a group for you. Working independently is acceptable if that is your preference.

Format instruction:

.     Font: Times New Roman

.     Font Size: 12 point

.     Margin: 2.5 cm all round

.    Spacing: Single-line spacing

.     Page Size: A4

.    The maximum number of pages for the answers is 12. Answers should be precise and concise, so please try to avoid reaching the maximum limit. Your grades will be

deducted for imprecise answers or answers that are unnecessarily long without providing new information.

.    All references, figures and tables should be included in the appendix. There is no page limit for the appendix.

.    On the last page of the appendix, please indicate each group member's individual contributions to this assignment. This ensures clear task division and prevents free-  rider issues.

To answer the following questions, please download the Balance of Payments statistics from   the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for the period of 1995- 2021. The data can be found via https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=MEI_BOP6 .

The data classification could change over time. It is important for you to take a clear stance on your analysis. Here's a suggestion on how you can approach the data collection process: Step 1. Download the data from 2005 to 2021. Step 2. Download the data from 1995 to 2012, but

only retain the series from 1995 to 2004. Step 3. Combine the two data series (2005-2021 and  1995-2004) by adding the information of 1995-2004 to the table of 2005-2021. Please note that it is acceptable to have some discontinuities between the two data series, especially if there

have been changes in the variable definition over time. When analyzing the data patterns, it is crucial for you to specify how you selected the data series (i.e., choosing 1995-2004 from

another table) and then discuss the changes over time separately for 1995-2004 and 2005- 2021.

Another alternative is to download the data from 1995 to 2012 and supplement it with the information from 2013 to 2021 from another table. This approach is also acceptable.

Whenever necessary, also download data from the World Bank or other sources.

For each answer to the following questions, (i) provide the variable name, variable definition,

data source, data period, measure, and unit; and (ii) present the findings using tables or figures, accompanied by an explanation in words. Any other empirical methods, academic papers, or policy practices that would be useful in answering the questions are strongly encouraged.

Remember to cite any references used. (iii) Note that you may only need one figure or table to address multiple questions below.

1.   Download the data on the People's Republic of China's imports of intellectual property (IP), also known as royalties and license fees, from the world. Analyze how the imports   have varied over time.

2.   Given the People's Republic of China's imports of IP from the world, identify the top ten   countries that are the largest sources of IP imports for China. Next, document the import share of these top ten countries as a percentage of China's total imports of IP from the    world. You may choose to document either the average import share of these countries  from 1995 to 2021 or the over-time variation of their import share. Then describe the

characteristics of these countries in terms of their GDP per capita and R&D-to-GDP

ratio. You can use the average values of GDP per capita and R&D-to-GDP ratio over the period 1995 to 2021 to describe each of the sourcing countries.

3.   Repeat questions 1 and 2, but replace the IP with computer and information services (ICT).

4.   Given the findings from questions 1 to 3, compare the patterns of China’s imports of IP with China’s imports of ICT. In what aspects are they similar or different?

5.   Repeat questions 1 to 4, but replace the People's Republic of China with the U.S. and

Hong Kong (China). Comparing these countries/regions, in what aspects are they similar or different?

6.   Examine how the imports of IP and the imports of ICT as a share of total imports vary   over time in the mentioned countries/regions. The total imports can be the total imports of all goods and services or the total imports of all services. Comparing these countries/regions, in what aspects are they similar or different?

7.   Based on the knowledge gained in class and other references, analyze how changes in imports of IP impact a country's balance of payments and overall economic performance.

8.   Based on the knowledge gained in class and other references, select one country/region from the mentioned above. Analyze the factors that have influenced changes in imports   of IP and the policies that have been implemented, and provide your recommendations   for policymakers.

9.   (Bonus) Based on the findings above or any other data patterns, discuss any additional interesting findings related to the imports of IP, and explain how they impact the

economic performance across the world.

10. (Bonus) Repeat questions 1 to 4, but replace the People's Republic of China with Japan, Korea, UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain. Select several countries that you are

interested in and discuss comparing these countries/regions to China or the U.S., in what aspects are they similar or different?

11. (Bonus) Based on your answer to question 8, select several other countries/regions

mentioned above and discuss the factors that have influenced changes in imports of IP and the policies that have been implemented, and provide your recommendations for    policymakers.