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BAC115|BBS202 - Quantitative Statistics | Business Decision Making


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Higher Education

Department of Business Management and Finance







Bachelor of Business/ Associate Degree of Business

Bachelor of Hospitality Management/ Associate Degree of Hospitality Management

Bachelor of Accounting/ Associate Degree of Accounting


BAC115|BBS202 - Quantitative Statistics | Business Decision Making


This assignment is worth 20% of the overall assessment.


This assignment is due Week 12 via Moodle Upload.


This is an individual assignment


This report must comply with Melbourne Polytechnic policies and academic conventions for report writing, plagiarism and referencing. Your teacher will discuss these policies with you and further information is available on the

Melbourne Polytechnic Student Intranet.


Dr. Toan Nguyen


Download the file: Assignment3_ReportData_2022 from your Moodle site.

Task: Professional sporting teams must ensure

In your report you should provide the following:

•    Introduction: A brief introduction to the aims of the analysis and a

general description of how you have derived the samples and the types of data you will be analysing.

•    Descriptive Statistics: Descriptive statistics (measures of central

tendency and measures of association) must be used to describe the

consumer groups evident in your sample. Consider the average age,

gender, store visit, payment type, satisfaction, value, and renewal as a   start. How do these variables vary according to differing characteristics? Provide appropriate graphical representations of your findings.

   Sampling: You must obtain a sample of n = 50 members using a random sampling method taught in class. This sample will need to be included in   the Appendix of your project. Compare the descriptive statistics of this

sample to the population.

•    Regression Analysis: Given the challenges of customer retention, it is

imperative that we understand the attitudes and behaviours of current

customers. As such, analyse the following relationships to understand the interrelationships and identify key drivers of outcomes:

(a) Is there a relationship between the satisfaction and renewal? What about value and NPS?

(b) Examine the drivers of (1) product, and (2) communications. Which are the most influential factors?

   Confidence Intervals: The sample information should be used to draw general conclusions about the target population. To achieve this,

estimate the population mean by constructing confidence intervals. Analyse each of the following:

   (a) Construct a 95% interval estimation for the proportion of customers   who purchase online. If the true proportion is 0.31, how accurate is your sample result?

•    Hypothesis Testing: Based on the previous analysis it is important that assumptions are tested. Test the following assumptions using the five

steps of hypothesis testing:

   (a) Conduct a test using the 5% level of significance to determine

whether the majority of customers use a credit card payment to make a purchase.

•    Recommendation: Interpretations and insights should be included

throughout each section of the report. Recommendations should provide a synthesis of these insights and how these can be used to provide

strategic direction to the company. You must interpret your findings

beyond the statistics, and support your recommendations with research (academic literature and industry reports) where appropriate.


Formatting and Submission Guidelines:

•      All reports must be typed in Times New Roman or Calibri size 12 font.


•      A minimum of one and a half spacing must also be used.

•      Assignment is to be presented in report style, with a title, subheadings, and page numbers.

•      Students should use formal language and should avoid using casual language such as slang and abbreviations.

•      Report must be written in the ‘third’ person.

•      A list of references is required listing all materials which have been made direct reference to in the body of the work. The list of

references should contain at least four (4) references to sources of information in APA referencing style.

•      BOTH the report and the excel document are to be submitted online via Turnitin.

•      Word limit: 1,800 words (+/ – 10%).