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MKTG1053 Services Marketing Semester 2, 2023


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MKTG1053 Services Marketing

Final Assessment Piece Semester 2, 2023

This is your final assessment piece. It is available for download at 9am (AEDT) on Monday 30th October 2023. Your infographic/poster and the Word document (please do NOT sue a PDF) of explanation is due no later than Sunday 5th November at 11.59pm (AEDT) unless you have an approved extension. It must be submitted in two parts via the Submit button on the Assignment section on canvas under the Assessment Task 3: Final Assessment Piece. The first part is the Poster/Infographic and the second part is the Discussion, description and analysis to explain each of the Infographics. Please do not wait until the last moment to upload your submissions to avoid technical difficulties.

Please develop your own Title Page showing your full name, your RMIT student number, and the total word count. Please put this page at the front of your submission. It has no bearing on Turnitin.

No late submissions will be accepted. The word count expected is 1000 +-10%. You are expected to complete in-depth secondary research for every question and for each scenario. Therefore, in text citations and a Reference List using Harvard referencing are expected. Neither the Title Page or the Reference List are included in your word count. All tables, diagrams, graphs, figures or photos are also NOT included in your word count.

You are responsible for submitting your final assessment on time. If circumstances prevent you from being able to submit, you will need to apply for an extension. Please review the application processes on the General Information for ALL assessment pieces on canvas. It outlines that if you need to apply for an extension of up to 7 Days, you need to complete the application with the required documents. This type of short extension must be completed no later than Friday 3rd November at 11.59pm (AEDT). Please ensure you read the list of documents required as the application cannot be approved without these. If you need to apply for an extension longer than 7 days, or after Friday 3rd November, please follow the procedure for applying for Special Consideration and complete that application form and send it directly to them with your documentation attached.

If you have any technical issues at submission time, please take a screen shot and email it to Kathleen at [email protected]. Then keep trying to submit it. When your screen shot is emailed, you will not be penalised for submitting it late. Keep trying to submit it until it goes through. Please do NOT email your work to your tutor.

Please note that this assessment task is to be done individually and without consultation or discussion with others. Any student who is found to have breached this requirement through any form of media or consultation will be investigated for academic misconduct.

Your tutor can only help you with the words in the question or submission details. Unfortunately they cannot help you with how to complete this assessment or what you should include. They also cannot read any drafts or give advice.

Your final assessment piece has three (3) scenarios. There are three (3) questions. Each question has multiple parts. All questions and all parts are compulsory. This poster/infographic and discussion will be marked out of 100. It is worth 30% of the total marks for this course.

All organisations you choose to use to discuss your answers must be real organisations. They can be in Australia or if you are currently located in another country, you can use organisations in your own country.

Scenario One – The company you studied this semester

You have completed the new service proposal for your company’s challenges in Assignment two.

Use the 6 step consumer evaluation model and all of its elements to analyse all the decisions a prospective customer would make in deciding to purchase from your service company

a) Create an infographic to show your use of the consumer decision-making process showing the key detail of the steps you are using to purchase from your company (10 marks)

b) Write a complete explanation of your consumer decision-making process in this instance using in-depth research. You are required to use in-text citations and a reference list.   (10 marks)

Scenario Two – RMIT University

You are a student studying at RMIT and have had a nice coffee at least once from the Bean project café placed at Level 2 in Building 80 on Swanston Street In Melbourne. Use the Bitner’s Servicescape model to analyse all elements and dimensions of both the exterior and interior of the café.

a) Create a detailed infographic using Bitner’s model. (10 marks)

b) Write a complete explanation of each part of Bitner’s model using in-depth research to support your discussion. You are required to use in-text citations and include these in your reference list. (10 marks)

Scenario Three – The Volte

With a forecast of $15 million in revenue for 2023, The Volte is one of the country's fastest-growing fashion businesses, with one key difference: it doesn't stock any clothing. The Volte is a peer-to-peer luxury clothing rental agency like an Airbnb for fashion. It rents clothing without the problems of logistics, shipping and laundry.

Consumers can lease their own clothing on the site and must handle all logistics - including delivery, returns, cleaning and any damage to the item - themselves. The Volte charges the lender a 15 per cent commission and the borrower 13.5 per cent, plus an optional $5 for insurance. The Volte's luxury price point gives it an edge. The average dress on their site was initially sold for $1500, but their customers are renting out their clothing, the way you would a house on Airbnb. They want to provide a good experience for the renter and treat the rental as a business.

A customer has been invited to an important event and arranged to rent an item from The Volte. But when it was delivered, it was ripped. The customer tried to call the renter on the phone number they were given, but there was no answer. The customer was very angry and called The Volte the next morning.

a. Create an infographic of what the customer expected from both the renter and The Volte.

b. Write a complete explanation of each part of your infographic using in-depth research. You are required to use in-depth research and a reference list.

In addition to the marks reflected so far, you will also receive marks for the following:

1. The layout of your poster/infographic and the tables/diagrams/figures/photos requested (20 marks)

2. Referencing – in-text citations and Reference List (10 marks)

3. Grammar, speclling and vocabulary (10 marks)

TOTAL 100 marks

This Assessment Piece is marked out of 100 and is worth 30% of your total marks for this course.