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CISC 221 - Assignment 3 Machine Code


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Machine Code

CISC 221 - Assignment 3

Due: November 3rd, 2023, 11:59pm

Part A

(8 marks)  You are asked to work on the following homework problems at the end of Chapter 3 of the textbook (CSAPP, 3ed, hardcover):

.    3.60 (page 312, about function loop)

.    3.64 (page 316, about 3-d array)

.    3.67 (page 318, about struct and function eval)

.    3.69 (page 321, about pointer and function test)

Part B

(Not submitted) Teach yourself how to use GDB to debug computer programs written in Cby studyingBeej’s Quick Guide to GDB.  Keep thisquick referencehandy.


To OnQ:

1.    Single PDF file for Part A.