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EE466/EE966/EE866 Coursework Assessment (academic year 2023-24)


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EE466/EE966/EE866 Coursework Assessment (academic year 2023-24)


The objective of this coursework exercise is to consolidate the lecture material and to bring together associated engineering topics that relate to the successful operation and control of an electrical machine.

Another important objective is to assist you in the development of transferable skills, such as report writing, presentation of technical material, and examination technique.

The Assessment

The assessment consists of only one part where all of the material has been covered to greater or lesser degrees during lectures. Whilst some questions are straightforward, others are designed to test your comprehension beyond what has been explicitly covered in the class.


• You must submit a computer-processed report.

• Your submission must include a cover sheet.

• When including your name on the cover sheet, it must be presented in the order:

First Name Family Name

• Plots must be generated using any computer software like MATLAB, Excel, etc.

•  Solutions  must  be  clearly  presented,  legible,  and  concise.  You  should  show  all  of  your mathematical  working.  Diagrams  and  graphs  must  be  clear  and  contain  all  of the  relevant information.

• We expect the student to use resources like IEEE Explore, IET library, Elsevier library or the University library instead of Wikipedia. A list of references should be added to the coursework.

• Students should take responsibility for observing the university regulations on plagiarism.

• If electrical or control diagrams are required, any computer software must be used like Microsoft Visio, word, etc.

• The coursework is individual.

• Your completed report must be submitted online maximum by 5PM on Friday 24th  of November 2023.

Marking: (The full mark is: 100 marks)

Marking points

Maximum marks

Quality indicator




70 marks

Accurate mathematical

analysis, proper Simulink

models, correct results




20 marks

Good report structure,

Figures and Tables with

captions, numbered

equations, clear plots




10 marks

High quality references

mainly books and journal

papers. Adequate number of

references in the right place

Coursework description

A universal motor, as shown in Figure 1, is a series motor which can be operated either on DC or single-phase AC supply. In this coursework it is required to investigate, analyse, and simulate the

universal motor using MATLAB/Simulink.


Figure 1: Universal motor

Tasks are as follows (70 marks):

1-  Investigate the construction of the universal motor highlighting the differences between the universal motor and the DC series motor. 5 marks

2-  state some of the applications of the universal motor. 2 marks

3-  Draw the universal motor equivalent circuit.

4-  Derive, and plot, the torque expression for the universal motor and compare this expression

with the torque expression derived for the DC series motor. 10 marks

5-  Derive an expression for the back emf of the universal motor and compare this expression

with the back emf expression of the DC series motor. 10 marks

6-  Plot, on the same Figure, the general torque/speed characteristics of the universal motor and the DC series motor. 5 marks

7-  After analysing the universal motor, state its disadvantages when compared to DC series motor. 5 marks

8-  Build  a  MATLAB/Simulink model  to  simulate  and  compare  the  performance  of the universal motor and the DC series motor. Select any built in DC motor (you can modify the parameters as required). Include a Figure of your Simulink model in the report. Include

all the simulation parameters (motor parameters, voltage, etc) in a Table. 10 marks

9-  For a given load torque, plot the following results for both motors:

i.   Applied terminal voltage.

ii.  Armature current.

iii. Speed.

iv. Electromagnetic torque. 10 marks

10- Plot the torque/speed characteristics of the two motors on the same Figure for five different load torque values. 10 marks