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CS 6210 Scientific Computing Assignment 3


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CS 6210 Scientific Computing

Assignment 3

Note: Please use Matlab, or a public domain approximation to it in this assignment. The code must compile on one of the lab machines with your instructions. Document your code thoroughly! As usual submit a clear report with your findings your name and the codes that you wrote and the results that they generated.

1.  This is practical example of a   large 1000x1000  linear system

The code to generate the matrix A of the system of equations and its righthand side b is given by

m = 1000;

for i=1:m

d(i) = 0.5 + sqrt(i);


A = diag(ones(m-100,1),-100) + diag(ones(m-1,1),-1) + diag(d) + ... diag(ones(m-1,1),1) + diag(ones(m-100,1),100);

b = ones(m,1);

Solve this system of equations by using the  conjugate gradient method in its

original form  and by using the diagonal form of the matrix A as a preconditioner.

( Note you will have to use the Magtlab documentation for the pcg code). An example of how to use this code iteration by iteration is given in the code

CGforHILB2iterbyiter.m on the canvas page.                                               [20 Marks]

Code up the Gradient Descent method as given in the code SDescentHILB.m in the  same code and show that it works.           [15 Marks]

Run the three codes to get an accuracy of 1e-6 and compare their performance in

terms of iterations used.   Move to an accuracy of 1e-16  and comment on the

performance of the methods. For about 8000 iterations the error of Gradient Descent is about 1e-23. Can you achieve the same accuracy with Conjugate Gradients?

Document your findings and produce graphs to show the residuals decrease for all   the methods.         [15 Marks]

2. (i) Modify the program that you wrote in the previous assignment for  the  “ Filip” data set that   uses the  Monomial Vandermode  matrix  approximation to  produce  a  least squares approximation to work with this data set. In this case n=82 as there are 82 data points and m is the degree of the polynomial with m+1 terms.  Use values of m equal to 9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25.   Make use of     the  matlab  QR  or the Gramschmidt QR method  given   .     Plot  the  values  of  the   polynomial   by  evaluating  the   Monomial Vandemonde polynomial at (say) 1001 points and use plots in showing how the different polynomials       behave.          [10 marks]

Note that you do not have to plot every single case.

(c)In          each          case          calculate          the           least          squares          error

    where yi     are the data values at points xi   and p(xi )       are       the

calculated                     values                      of                     the                      polynomial.. [10 marks]

(d)  I found that the QR method did not work well for larger values of m and the normal equations approach did. Use a linear scaling to put both x and y values in the range [-1,1] such as  . Repeat the experiments and show that

the QR results are better by producing before and after plots.  [15 marks]

Compare the performance of the QR methods with solving the normal equations using your  previous code          [10 marks]

What to turn in

For  these  assignments,  we  expect  both  SOURCE  CODE  and  a  written  REPORT  be uploaded as a zip or tarball file to Canvas.

•   Source code for all programs that you write, thoroughly documented.

o Include a README file describing how to compile and run your code.

•   Your report should be in PDF format and should stand on its own.

o It should describe the methods used, explain your results and contain figures.

o It should also answer any questions asked above.

o It should cite any sources used for information, including source code.

o It should list all of your collaborators.

This homework is due on October 30th  by 11:59 pm.