关键词 > SAS代写



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Project 1

Files to be used – mnth7_2011.csv, mnth8_2011.txt, mnth9_2011.csv

1.   Create temporary SAS datasets for the three monthly files.  Do not use Proc Import. Use datalines for month8_2011.  Read the other two in externally.  Create variable   names identical to those listed in the first row.  Make Employee ID a character

variable. (Hint:  Input statements for mnth7 and mnth9 should be identical since the variables and layout are the same with just different data)

2.  Create a permanent SAS dataset called q3_2011 by stacking the three just created temporary SAS datasets together.

3.  What Customer_ID shows up the most time in the data?

4.  Create a new dataset from the q3_2011 dataset and delete any observation where Delivery_date is missing.

5.  Create a time to delivery variable.

6.  What is the average delivery time?

7.  What order_id(s) from this new dataset took the longest to deliver? (Produce output where this order_id(s) is on top of the output)

8.  Print the data using 2 labels and format all date variables using different date formats.

Project 2

Files to be used – employee_addresses.sas7bdat*, employee_phones.sas7bdat 1.   Determine the merge variable and merge the two datasets together.     2.  Keep all observations where the merge value is in employee_addresses.

3.  Do a cross frequency of country and state. What does it tell you?

4.   Produce separate permanent SAS datasets for each phone type.  Look in the log and tell me the number for each type.

5.  Without changing the dataset print employee name and street number from the cell dataset but only for the observations where street number is equal to 1.  Produce     one title and one footnote.

*Make sure to use dataset in Midterm Project folder and not Class Data Folder

Also make sure that the dataset names do not change (no special characters)