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BASC9001 Approaching Interdisciplinarity: Knowledge Beyond Disciplines (2023-24)


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BASC9001 Approaching Interdisciplinarity: Knowledge Beyond Disciplines (2023-24)

Term Essay

Essay due:       2359 29th  October 2023 (Sunday)


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Word limit:      1000- 1200 words. Mark penalty (5 points) per 100 words

Answer any one of the following questions:

Topic 1: Realism and Anti-realism

Choose a lecture topic from one of the courses you are attending in this semester (list out the course code and lecture topic; you do not need to choose your own major course; Common    Core or elective course also allowed). Next, pick and briefly describe two types of realist or   anti-realist views (realism, error theory, relativism, social constructionism, instrumentalism), and illustrate them by explaining how each view would view facts in this field. Try to be as   specific as you can – use examples!

Topic 2: Lived Experiences

In what ways does incorporating lived experiences enhance interdisciplinary understanding and approaches to a specific contemporary social issue, and can you provide real-life examples to support your argument?

Topic 3: Justifying beliefs

Despite Popper’s claim and researchers rely on deductive inference, there are times where it is difficult to imagine this is practical. In astrophysics, hypotheses maybe falsifiable in principle but not practically. For example, we can ask “What experiment could falsify claims  that our Sun will shrink to a white dwarf 11 billion years from now?” Does this pose a barrier to achieving justified true beliefs about the answers to such questions? Why or why not?

Citation:          Please use one style consistently (e.g. MLA or APA) when quoting others’ ideas. Failure to do so will constitute to plagiarism, which is a serious academic offence and will be handled seriously.

Use of AI:       While we allow sensible use of Generative AI algorithms and recognise the importance of AI literacy, the work you submit must be original and critical thinking must be exercised throughout the process. In this regard, you need to:

i) Declare the use of AI over the extent and specific idea generation or writing/polishing at the frontpage, and;

ii) properly cite AI if you paraphrase or use ideas from AI (either in the text or footnote)

Using AI in writing but not compiling with the above will be considered as plagiarism and face disciplinary consequence.

Tutors will also try with multiple AI algorithms and take note of the generated arguments/writing. Do not attempt to rely solely on AI for this assignment (which actually generate pretty poor quality arguments indeed).

Draft:              Please note that the University discourages teachers from reading drafts for the sake of fairness. You are however welcome to discuss specific question with your tutors or lecturers.