关键词 > HTML/CSS

Web Development in Java Fall 2023


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Web Development in Java

Fall 2023

HW1: Working with HTML and CSS

The purpose of this assignment is to help you acquire (and demonstrate that you have acquired) some of the basic HTML/CSS knowledge and skills.

In this assignment you will create an HTML page of your choice that utilizes as many    different tags such as <table>,lists, <img> including <div> and <span> as well as some HTML5 semantic tags like <section>, <article>, <nave>, <footer>.

Your HTML page must contain a title (containing your name),a picture of you, information about your academic goals,a short paragraph on why you are taking this online class, information about the college/school, which courses you have taken, and a link to your college/university. You may add any other information, like your hobby, sports and so.

The page you created should be similar in style (with amenu bar and a sidebar) to the demo example given at the end of lecture 1.

Within this HTML file create at least 1 inline style, an embedded style, and link to an external css file. Make sure you include at least 1 property which is used in the inline, embedded and external style so a conflict is created. Also include some properties which are unique to each style.

Finally create another external css files in which you use a few selectors such as multiple, contextual,attribute and pseudo classes. See corresponding code examples in lecture 1.