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Lab 2 CSC3101


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Lab 2 CSC3101

1. Solve the following question. Submit your solution and screenshots of its output to PutraBlast.

2. Evaluation will be done according to the lab rubric in "CSC3101 Lab Rubric.docx" in PutraBlast.

3. Submission date: 1st  November 2023




Implement the above classes. For each class, add 1 additional data field for the student/course name. Define constructors, setters and getters as needed.

Note that for consistency, if you add a Student to a Course, you must also add the Course to the Student, and if you add a Course to a Student, you must also add the Student to the Course. 

Test your classes as follows:

1. Create 2 Student objects named Peter Jones and Kim Smith, and 2 Course objects named Data Structures and Database Systems.

2. Assign both Peter Jones and Kim Smith to the Data Structures course, and Kim Smith to the Database Systems course.

3. Print, using the objects of step 1:

a. The course(s) that Peter Jones and Kim Smith are taking.

b. The student(s) in the Data Structures and Database Systems course.

(The figure is based on a figure in the 10th edition of the Liang textbook. A similar figure is in the 11th edition).