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Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructuring (BUST10149)


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Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructuring (BUST10149)

Group project

Fall, 2023

Based on a deal you can select from a list of deals provided in the attached excel file, which has been announced in 2011 by a U.S. listed corporation to acquire another U.S. listed target,  provide  an  analysis  and  discussion  on  the  following  4  topics.  To  avoid  the possibility that a deal will be analysed by more than one groups, one member of each group should email me the group’s deal choice, and only upon my confirmation you can proceed on the analysis. The 4 topics are:

a)   Background and motives: Provide background information for both merging firms and discuss the main motives of your deal. Evidence from the relevant literature is essential to support your argument(s). [25%]

b)  You are then required to link characteristics of your deal to evidence from prior studies on known factors that influence the likelihood of M&A success. How could these factors affect the structure and payoff of your deal? What payment method would you  recommend  financing  your  deal  and  why  (not  necessarily  the  one actually used)? [25%]

c)   Valuation:  Now  you  need  to  offer  a  recommendation  about  the  target  firm’ valuation,  and  the  maximum  premium  to  be  offered  (not  necessarily  the  one actually offered). Clearly demonstrate assumptions, calculations and scenarios. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen method(s). [30%]

d)   Recommendations: Finally, based on the analysis of the above  3 topics, provide your recommendations to the board and include any other information you may think is important for the decision making. [20%]

Clearly state the Deal Number, the Announcement Date, the Name of the Acquirer, and the Name of the Target of your deal.

All calculations must be fully explained. Relevant information can be obtained from the annual reports of the acquiring and target firms. You are advised to visit the websites of merging firms, Refinitiv and WRDS. Relevant sources need to be cited clearly.

This  group  project should  be  approximately  3,000  words in length (excluding references and appendices).

This project should be submitted before 14:00 on Thursday, 16th Nov, 2023.


Satisfactory for Diploma/Fail for Masters


Very Good


Mark range



(50- 59)


(70- 100)


Relevance to set


Scope: irrelevant material

predominates; demonstrates minimal attention to context and audience.

Purpose: purpose and focus of the piece are not clear to the reader.

Scope: may include omissions and/or irrelevant material; demonstrates

some attention to context and


Purpose: an attempt is made to state purpose of the piece but with lack of focus.

Scope: mostly focused on the assigned task(s) with little irrelevant material; demonstrates awareness of context

and audience.

Purpose: features a clear statement of purpose that nevertheless fails to fully address the assigned task(s).

Scope: consistently focused on the

assigned task(s); fully aware of context and audience.

Purpose: features a clear statement of purpose that fully addresses the

assigned task(s).

Scope: consistently focused on the assigned task(s) in an organised and coherent way; thorough and

competent understanding of context and audience.

Purpose: features an excellent and

comprehensive statement of purpose.



Concepts and theories: missing and / or incorrect.

Method: missing or not

clearly discussed; unable to


Concepts and theories: basic and maybe incorrect.

Method: some attempt to outline

methods with limited ability to apply.

Concepts and theories: somewhat complete and correct.

Method: outlined in a step-by-step

fashion; methods may appear routine and applied uncritically.

Concepts and theories: mostly

complete and correct.

Method: outlined in a coherent

fashion; methods may appear routine with some argumentation for choices made.

Concepts and theories: complete and correct.

Method: fully outlined in a critical

fashion with clear argumentation for choices made.


Quality of argument

Quantitative: patchy knowledge of  appropriate techniques for analysis; disorganised solution to a problem.

Qualitative: limited / no coherence;

concepts are irrelevant and / or poorly applied.

Quantitative: some knowledge of key  concepts and techniques, but unable to consistently apply this knowledge;

may include unsubstantiated


Qualitative: arguments maybe weak or lack clarity, some statements may

be unsubstantiated; more emphasis on description than critical analysis.

Quantitative: demonstrates

knowledge of key concepts and

techniques; evidence of elementary applications.

Qualitative: arguments are clear, but evaluation of sources and use of

theoretical concepts in critical analysis are limited.

Quantitative: demonstrates

knowledge of key concepts and

techniques; evidence of application in simple settings.

Qualitative: ability to think clearly    and critically evaluate ideas, to bring different ideas together and to draw  sound conclusions.

Quantitative: excellent knowledge

and understanding of methods

underlying the answer; demonstrates application of methods to complex


Qualitative: competent thought in

critically evaluating and integrating

evidence and ideas; deals confidently with complexities and subtleties of the arguments.


Depth of analysis

Analysis: characterised by

irrelevance, brevity and / or


Content: no / little use of appropriate and relevant content in the work.

Analysis: makes omissions and / or includes irrelevant material.

Content: uses some appropriate and relevant content to develop simple     ideas in some parts of the work.

Analysis: applies knowledge with good evidence of integration and synthesis of material.

Content: uses appropriate and

relevant content to develop and explore ideas through most of the work.

Analysis: evidence of appraisal, and very good indication of synthesis.

Content: uses appropriate, relevant

and compelling content to explore

ideas with the context of the discipline.

Analysis: sophisticated synthesis

coupled with evidence of independent insight.

Content: uses appropriate, relevant and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject.


Originality and


Presentation: reworking of other people’sideas and / or graphics.

Content: no evidence of original


Presentation: somewhat original, but not particularly thoughtful / creative.

Content: limited evidence of original thought.

Presentation: original, may include some thoughtful / creative elements.

Content: able to state original ideas.

Presentation: original, features