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ECN129 Assignment-I


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Submission Information:

Your completed assignment should be submitted via the Assignment (in the Assessments area of the

course).  The deadline for submission is on October 21, 11:59pm EST.

The assignment must be submitted asa PDF or a word file. No other file format will be accepted. Along

with a PDF (or a word file), you must submit the excel file showing all your work.

ONLY two files MUST be submitted:

(i) The word (or Pdf) file that shows your answers (including  graphs,  tables,  solutions  and explanations).

•    Your answers (conclusions) must be TYPED. No other file format will be accepted

•    Provide your answers in order.

Without the excel file, the questions will not be marked.

(ii) The Excel file that provides evidence of your work

•    Use the Excel Sheet for each question (It would be easier for your reader to check your work). The Excel file must show all your work.

Without the excel file, the assignment will not be marked.

Alos   note   that your   assignment   is   being    marked   on: Neatness,   Orderliness,   Correct-ness, Completeness and Succinct-ness. Any egregious disregard for anyone of these measures may result in

significant penalties including a zero grade.

The late assignments will not be accepted.

I strongly urge using the assignment document itself (space provided) for solving the questions to keep

your assignment neat and organized.

Question-1 (10 Points) The Red Lobster restaurant chain conducts regular surveys of its customers to monitor the performance of individual restaurants.  One of the  questions asks customers to rate the overall quality of their last visit. The listed responses are Poor (1), Fair (2), Good (3), Very good (4), and Excellent (5). The survey also asks respondents whether their children accompanied them (1=Yes, 2=No) to the restaurant. Graphically depict these data and describe your findings.

(Excel File must be submitted along with your report).

Question-2 (10  Points) The  Wilfrid  Laurier  University  bookstore  conducts  annual  surveys  of  its customers.  One  question  asks  respondents  to  rate  the  prices   of  textbooks.  The  wording  is,  “The

bookstore’s prices of textbooks are reasonable.” The responses include:

1-Strongly disagree


3-Neither agreenor disagree


5-Strongly agree

The responses for a group of 115 students were recorded. Graphically summarize these data and report

your findings.

(Excel File must be submitted along with your report).

Question-3 (10 Points) Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations in 1776. In it,he argued that when institutions protect the liberty of individuals, greater prosperity results for all. Since 1995, the Wall Street Journal  and the  Heritage  Foundation,  a  think  tank  in Washington,  D.C.,  have  produced  the  Index  of Economic Freedom for all countries in the world. The index is based on a subjective score for 10 freedoms. These  are  business  freedom,  trade  freedom,  fiscal   freedom,  government  size,  monetary  freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom, property rights, freedom from corruption, and labor freedom. From the CIA Factbook, we determined the per capita gross domestic product (GDP), measured in terms

of purchasing power parity (PPP). The per capita GDP PPP figures for 2012 were used. Use a graphical

technique to see how freedom and prosperity are related.

(Excel File must be submitted along with your report).

Question-4 (10 Points) Most car-rental companies keep their cars for about a year and then sell them to used car dealerships. Suppose one company decided to sell the used cars themselves. Because most used car buyers make their decision on what to buy and how much to spend based on the car’s odometer reading, this would bean important issue for the car-rental company. To develop information about the mileage  shown  on  the  company’s  rental  cars,  the  general  manager  took  a  random  sample  of  658 customers and recorded the average number of miles driven per day. Use an histogram to display these data.

(Excel File must be submitted along with your report).

Questions-5  (10  Points) Using  the  Statistics  Canada  CANSIM  database,  obtain  data  on  GDP between years 1981 - 2018.

a) Plot Nominal GDP, Real GDP (based on 2012 constant) in a same figure and then b) plot Real

GDP per capita between years 1981 - 2018 in a different figure.  Comment on both these series.

(Excel File must be submitted along with your report).

Questions-6 To determine premiums for automobile insurance, companies must have an understanding of the variables that affect whether a driver will have an accident. The age of the driver

may top the list of variables. The following table lists the number of drivers in the United States, the

number of fatal accidents, and the number of total accidents in each age group in 2002.

a) Calculate the accident rate (per driver) and the fatal accident rate (per 1,000 drivers) for each age group. (5 Points)

b) Graphically depict the relationship between the ages of drivers, their accident rates, and their fatal

accident rates (per 1,000 drivers). Explain your results. (5 Points)

(Excel File must be submitted along with your report).

Questions-7 Increasing tuition has resulted in some students being saddled with large debts on

graduation. To examine this issue,a random sample of recent graduates was asked to report whether

they had student loans, and, if so, how much was the debt at graduation.

a) Compute all three measures of central location. (8 Points)

b) What do these statistics reveal about student loan debt at graduation? (2 Points)

(Excel File must be submitted along with your report).

Question-8 (10 Points) From the OECD Statistics, obtain data on net income per capita and the life satisfaction index for Canadian Provinces and discuss if there is any relationship between these two

variables using a scatter diagram (Choose 2014 as a reference year).

(Excel File must be submitted along with your report).

Question-9 (10 Points) From the Statistics Canada CANSIM database, obtain yearly data on male and

female employment and labour force (in total industries) between 1976 and 2020.

Compute the average of male and female employment rate for four time periods 1976- 1985, 1986- 1995, 1996-2005 and 2006-2020, and show changes in the employment rate of each gender using a chart

(Explain your results).

(Excel File must be submitted along with your report).

Question-10 From the Statistics Canada CANSIM database, obtain data on annual inflation (annual CPI).

a) For each decade from the  1960s through the 2019s compute the mean and standard deviation of inflation (annual CPI) over the decade, and show in the Excel table. For instance, calculate the mean and

the standard deviation for the 10 years from 1960 through 1969. (5 Points)

b) Make a graph that plots the mean of inflation against the standard deviation, with a point for each decade. What is the relation between the two variables? What might explain the relation found here? (5 Points)

(Excel File must be submitted along with your report).