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INFO6050 Process Analysis and Problem Solving Assessment Item 4


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School of Information and Physical Sciences

Process Analysis and Problem Solving


Assessment Item 4


Written Report



Due date:

Friday 27th October by 11.59pm

Word Count:

Minimum 2200 words Max 2500 words

Method of submission:

Canvas (Turnitin)

File Type:

Word or pdf

File Name:


Case Study (25%)

You have been asked to analyse your own potential organisation and through systematic fact finding, research and documentation, you will then identify operational processes within the scenario.

After looking at the number of business analyst opportunities around the world, you have decided to test your evolving skills and new knowledge on a possible new enterprise. Yes, it is a risky, but this opportunity will give  you a clearer picture of your own knowledge and future employment direction. This assessment has the

possibility of being a key part of your portfolio to show to clients or even when applying for job vacancies. This is certainly re-enforced by the knowledge that a previous student utilised 2022 Case Study assessment to land  an exciting role in major organisation in Australia.

Your primary focus is to facilitate the monitoring of the conditions of the Myall River, such as water depth,

quality, silting, salinity, etc, and provide relevant data to stakeholders. Given that the current conditions of the river have deteriorated to the point that the channel is almost entirely blocked from Port Stephens,

Local stakeholders are interested in providing actionable intelligence at a government level. As a result of strong fiscal constraints, identifying and promoting effective methods for improving the environmental

conditions of the river are essential.

Current analysis is very limited and is generally completed manually. It is proposed that expansion would involve additional, targeted monitoring, that ideally maybe automated to standardizedata collection.

Areas of interest for your focus are:

.     Data Collection

.     Reporting system

Further information will be given during the lectures.

Assessment Purpose:

In this activity students will develop the ability to gather and record information, document systems and detail business requirements. They will then convey this clearly in a well presented and articulate manner. The business report will include:

Submission Requirements:

Required structure

. Title Page (your details)

. Executive Summary

o Why was the research was performed?

o What are the major findings?

o What are the nextsteps?

. In other words, recommended pathways for management due to the findings from the research

. Table of Contents

. Introduction

. Report Goals

o What is the goal/sand objective/s of this report and target audience?

. Business Overview Modelling

o Rich Picture of the current situation and a brief description of your model o https://www.betterevaluation.org/en/evaluation-options/richpictures

o Activity Diagrams (Monitoring System)

. As-Is

. To-Be

o Use Case Diagram (Monitoring System)

. Modelling the To-Be Process at a system level

. Stakeholder analysis

o Who are the current stakeholders and a brief description, including their attitude?

o Power/Interest matrix (An example week 5 lab notes)

o How to manage each stakeholder? (This will be in the form of a table or similar)

. Strategy Analysis

o This relates to your proposed new venture

o External: Current PESTLE

o https://pestleanalysis.com/pestle-analysis-of-higher-education-in-the-uk/

. SWOT analysis

o This relates to your proposed new venture

o The strategy analysis will form the basis of this model

o Rank the factors and then put them into the SWOT matrix

o https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_05.htm

. Current Process identification

o Identify 3 processes (you would change) and for each one give a:

o Process statement,

o Goal (link back to process identified),

o Objectives (to measure the goal),

o Requirements (for objectives)

o Constraints (for objectives)

. Nextsteps

o Link this back to your each one of the processes you identified in the last section.

o In other words, you may have more than one nextstep for each process identified

o This is a roadmap not a solution

. Conclusion

. Reference

. Bibliography:

. Appendices (if required)


.    At least 5 journal or book references

.     References (APA) Add retrieved date for urls

.    Add page numbers and your name as a footer or header

.     Included spaces between paragraphs

.     Font 11-12


. https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-32.6775077,152.1451714,2916m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu . https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/Your-Council/Our-news/News-releases/Dredging-to-begin-at-


. https://www.newsofthearea.com.au/myall-river-blocking-up-no-immediate-plans-to-dredge

. https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/files/assets/public/document-resources/environment-docs/coastal- management/great-lakes/mhl2415-myall-river-tidal-discharge-measurements-march-2014-and- october-2015.pdf

. https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/files/assets/public/document-resources/environment-docs/river- lake-amp-estuary-management/great-lakes/lower-myall-part1_sedimenthydoassessmentreport.pdf


.    Yunkaporta, Tyson (2009). Aboriginal pedagogies at the cultural interface. Professional Doctorate (Research) thesis, James Cook University. Retrieved 21 July 2023 from


Marking Criteria



Executive summary [5%]

An executive summary provides a concise summary of the most essential information of the business report. Why

was this reported commissioned? This includes, in

particular the results of the stakeholder analysis as well as the problems identified, and nextsteps proposed.

Report Goals [2.5%]

Report includes a brief summary (e.g., one paragraph) of the objectives of the report. What is the goal of the report and who is the audience?

Business overview modelling [25%]

Business modelling includes a rich picture which provides an overview of the overall situation

Activity diagrams showing the As-Is and To-Be

Use Case showing the proposed new system

This will include documentation of your models.

The aim is for you to demonstrate competence in overview modelling.

Stakeholder analysis [15%]

You are to identify the stakeholders involved in the

system, analysing their interests, influence and attitude. You will document strategies on how you will manage the stakeholders identified.

External Strategy analysis [10%]

Your report will investigate the external strategy of your new venture using the PESTLE tool.

This will then form basis for part of the SWOT analysis.

SWOT analysis [10%]

Your report will use the strategy analysis section as a foundation for the development of a SWOT analysis.

The business report must provide a comprehensive

analysis of the your new venture strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

The highest ranked factor for each section must be identified.

Finally, possible ideas/options must be identified to

address the highest ranked factor in each section of the matrix.

Process identification and description [15%]

You should identify and describe 3 possible processes that might arise or you have discovered within the

system/organisation. For each identified process you will need to includes a process statement, a goal/s, objectives, a list of requirements and a list of constraints.

Nextsteps and [15%]

What are the possible options that top management can   pursue in order to address the identified processes and to make use of promising opportunities? A good business

analyst will be sure to provide top management with a clear and concrete set of actions that should be

considered in order to begin solving any process that may require changing or creating. Each process identified must have nextsteps identified.

Note: your report is NOT expected to propose detailed solutions, only ways of finding the solutions (for the 3 processes identified).

Conclusion [2.5%]

Conclusions are relevant and accurately portray the key results of the document.

Total 100/100

Admin and Referencing

[Admin: 0, -2.5 -5%]

[Referencing: 0, -2.5 -5%]

A major aspect of business analysis is the ability to communicate clearly and accurately.

This criterion includes correctness of grammar and

spelling, and appropriate use of references (APA), direct quotes, paraphrasing, following required structure and   headings, correct file name, your details, page numbers, above word count, resolution of images etc.

However, students should note that there is a fine line

between poor referencing and plagiarism, and reports that appear to be plagiarised will be referred to the Student

Academic Conduct Officer.