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CS 7638 Artificial Intelligence for Robotics Fall 2023


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CS 7638 Artificial Intelligence for Robotics

Fall 2023

Midterm & Final Exam Policies


You must review the material presented in this document before you take the midterm or final exam.    The “Honor Code” portion will also be listed as the first question of the exam, and having already read it here will save you time.

Please also watch this video that demonstrates procedures for a 360 / room scan, scratch paper scan, covering or removing external monitors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwRiojtNCyM

Dates & Times

In the Fall 2023 semester, our midterm exam will be open from Midnight (11:59pm) Anywhere on Earth (AOE) Thursday October 19th,  through Midnight (11:59pm) AOE Sunday October 22nd.

The final exam for this course will be open from Midnight (11:59pm) Anywhere on Earth (AOE) Thursday December 7th,  through Midnight (11:59pm) AOE Sunday December 10th.

[You can also interpret this as 8am Eastern Time (ET) on Friday through 8am ET on Monday.] The

start and stop dates entered into Canvas are the official time period of the exam, so we recommend you set your local timezone correctly in Canvas and follow the times listed there.

Note that you will need to begin the exam well before the due deadline, as you are not allowed to

continue taking the exam after the deadline, so by starting too close to the final deadline, you risk not receiving the full time to take the exam.   We recommend you start your first attempt on Friday (or

early on Saturday) so that you have extra time between it and your 2nd attempt for studying if you

decide you need to take the exam a 2nd time. [You are not required to complete the 2nd attempt if you are happy with your score from the first attempt.]

Exam Details:

.    The midterm exam is worth 8% and the final exam is worth 12% of your total course grade (20% total for the two exams).

.    The midterm exam will consist of 20 questions, for which you will have 40 minutes. It will cover only material from the first 3 lesson modules: Localization, Kalman Filters, Particle  Filters & Bicycle Motion.

.    The final exam will consist of 30 questions, for which you will have 60 minutes. 1/3 of the final exam will cover the same topics as the midterm exam, and 2/3 of the final will cover the last 3  lesson modules: Search, PID, SLAM. [i.e. The final is comprehensive, but focused on the 2nd half of the course.]

.    Student registered with extra-time accommodations on exams with the Office of Disability   Services must provide their ODS letter to the instructor at least a week before the exam start date to ensure receipt of their extra time accommodations.

.    You will have two (2) attempts to take each exam.  You will keep the higher score out of your two attempts.

.    Questions are designed such that the majority of them can be answered in one minute or less  (there are a few questions where you may need to do a few calculations and they may take an extra minute). If you find yourself spending more than 4 minutes on a question, you should    guess an answer and move on. You can come back to that question later if you have time.

.    After each exam attempt, you will be able to view your responses and the grade

(correct/incorrect) for each question, but you will not be presented with the correct answer for

incorrect questions.  Note that you will only be able to see the results a single timeimmediately after you finish the exam attempt.

.    Questions are randomly chosen from a test bank, so it is likely the majority of questions you    receive on your 2nd attempt will be different from those you receive on your first attempt.  You will receive the highest score from your two attempts, so if you are satisfied with your score    from the first attempt, you do not need to make a 2nd attempt.

.    You will be allowed to use blank scratch paper and the HonorLock web based calculator app

when taking the exam, but you must read and follow the scratch paper policy below!

.    While the exam is open, Ed Discussions will be set so that you can ONLY make private posts. If you run into an issue with the exam, please make a private post to ALL INSTRUCTORS on Ed  Discussions to let us know what is going on.

Exam Policies:

Listed below are the policies for the exams. If we determine that you have violated one of the below policies (failed to do a good room scan, did not show both sides of scratch paper as blank, wore

headphones, had a device available, etc….) we may assign you a score penalty of -25%, -50% or no credit (zero) on the exam.

.    The HonorLock Chrome browser extension / system is required for proctoring the exams. You  will need to have a Chrome web browser & working webcam with the HonorLock extension    working correctly to take the exam. [You may test your hardware/software set-up by taking the Syllabus & Policy Quiz.]

.    This is a closed-note, closed-book, closed Internet exam. You are not allowed to refer to any

materials on the Internet or physically while taking the exam.  All material used must be in your brain. You may not collaborate with anyone else while taking the exam.

.    You will be allowed to use (only) the provided HonorLock calculator app in the browser when   taking the exam.  You may not have any devices within reach while taking the exam. You will    not need to use any functions other than those found on a standard 4-function calculator (+, -, *, / ) and most questions will require no calculations.

.    You are allowed to use a pen/pencil and blank scratch paper to assist you with the exam. If you choose to use scratch paper on the exam, at the beginning of the proctoring session you MUST hold each piece of paper up to the camera and show that both the front and back are blank. You may not copy the contents of the questions down onto your scratch paper. We anticipate 2

sheets of scratch paper will be more than sufficient, if you choose to use more, you must spend more time showing the front and back of each sheet to the camera.

.    You may not collaborate with anyone else when taking the exam, or share details about the exam questions after you take the exam.

.    You may not wear headphones, earphones, earbuds, airpods or any other device that can deliver voices to your ears. (Sorry music lovers, we just can’t tell the difference between music and an  audio recording of the lectures….)

.    You may not have any other devices (phone, tablet, laptop, physical calculator, etc) with a

screen visible to you or in arms reach. Put them away in a drawer so you can not see or touch   them while taking the exam. TV’s in view of the proctoring camera should be turned off. Extra monitors or TV’s in your room not in view of the proctoring camera should be placed face

down, moved into view of the proctoring camera or out of the room while taking the exam, or covered with foil to demonstrate that they will not be visible while taking the exam.

.    You should not communicate with anyone else while taking the exam, both in person or via the internet. Please disable chat clients, email pop-ups, social media messages, etc on your

computer. Please take the exam in a closed room and ask to not be disturbed. If it is absolutely   impossible for you to take the exam alone, make sure that anybody in the room with you knows that they must remain silent and not communicate with you. [If for some reason you absolutely  need to yell at your dog, or kid, or roommate, please do so in English if at all possible so that     we can determine that you are not cheating on the exam.]

.    Before you begin you will be asked to do a “room scan” or “mirror scan” to demonstrate that nobody else is in your room and that you do not have any notes/devices in view. The easiest

way to accomplish this is to pick up your webcam (or laptop, if the webcam is integrated) and    slowly scan the entire room, including your workspace under the laptop to demonstrate that it is free of prohibited material.  An alternative is to have a large mirror that you can hold up to a

(fixed) webcam and slowly scan to show the areas behind and below the camera. It is your

responsibility to demonstrate to us that your work area is clear of prohibited materials, so take your time, make sure the camera is focused, and go slowly to prevent blurring.

.    Once you begin the proctoring session, you must remain in the field of view of the camera until the exam is finished. This means no breaks, so grab a snack, use the restroom, sip some water, etc before you begin.

Academic Integrity  - Question 1 on the Exams

Georgia Tech aims to cultivate a community based on trust, academic integrity, and honor. Students are expected to act according to the highest ethical standards.

“I commit to uphold the ideals of honor and integrity by refusing to betray the trust bestowed upon me as a member of the Georgia Tech community.”

By selecting “I Agree” below, I am indicating that:

I am taking this exam using only material stored in my own brain.

.    My scratch paper is blank before starting the exam, and I will not copy exam questions onto my scratch paper.

.    I have not received information about the questions on this exam prior to taking the exam. .    I will not share information about the questions on the exam with others after I take it.

If you are unable to agree to the above honor code, please do not take the exam.