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CSE 3241 – ERD Exercise 1


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CSE 3241 – ERD Exercise 1

Breads and Co. is a communal bakery shop that invites members of community to bring in their recipes and provides equipment and supplies for them to bake their products based on recipes. All proceeds from sales go to a local charity.

Here is a partial list of requirements. Complete the ERD to meet all user requirements listed below. Do not model any requirements that are not stated.

· Breads and Co. needs to store list of bakers including their names, availability, and contact info

· Each recipe is created by one specific baker and can only be used by its author

· Each recipe must have an owner baker and has a unique Recipe ID code

· Each recipe requires a list of supplies such as sugar, flower, milk, and butter. For each recipe we also need to record name of the item produced (such as bread, chocolate chip cookie, or éclair) total prep time, qty of baked items it will produce and selling price per item.

· Each supply is used for multiple recipes and we need to keep track of qty of each supply used for each recipe. Each supply has Supply ID and name.

· Breads and Co. needs to store an inventory of supplies and to maintain qty in stock and min reorder qty.

· Each baker can bring a support team of affiliates (friends and family). They do not have any recipes of their own and can only help the baker who invites them. Each baker can bring multiple people for help or invite none. Breads and Co. wants to keep track of them for marketing purposes.