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FIT1049 Assignment 4: Reflecting on your own Professional Practice


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FIT1049: IT Professional practice (S2, 2023)

FIT1049 Assignment 4 : Reflecting on your own Professional Practice

In  this  assignment  you  will  take  some  time  to  reflect  on  your  own  professional  behaviour  within  the  context  of  a professional situation. You  may  not think that  being a student is a professional role – but it is : being a student entails particular responsibilities and expected behaviour. Your conduct as a student affects not only you, but other students, members of staff, and the university as a whole.

The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to reflect on your own professional behaviour as a student – in this case, during your enrolment in FIT1049, and/or other units you have studied this semester.

You must submit a report on your reflection on your experience of FIT1049 and/or other units this semester.

On completion of this assignment, you will be demonstrating the unit’s Learning Outcome 6:

6. Systematically develop and effectively communicate your personal and professional reflections to inform your current and future professional practice.

Carefully read this document; marks will be deducted where any of the specified requirements have not been addressed.

The output of this assignment is a written report, worth 15% of the marks in this unit. The report must be submitted online through Moodle. Penalties apply for late submission - 10% per day (that is 10% of 15% = 1.5% of all marks).

The report is due 9.30am Monday 30th October, the beginning of Week 14.


Task: In a report format, write a reflection of 3-4 pages on the processes you followed in order to participate in and complete  FIT1049  and/or  other  units  you  studied  this  semester,   including  a  discussion  on  your  own   behaviour, participation, engagement, communication and other relevant aspects of your semester experience. You should consider what you have learned about yourself, about what it means to behave professionally in the role of a student, and how you will carry this learning into the future to improve your professional practice - that is, how you intend to behave in future  professional  situations.  To  ensure  the  report  has  sufficient  depth,  critical  analysis  and  coherence,  focus your writing  on  a  selective  number  of  examples  and  areas  of  professional  practice  that  can  be  linked  into  a  meaningful narrative.

Where appropriate, your reflections should be clearly grounded upon the concepts and theories covered in this unit. This is not a research task, and no additional research is expected (beyond your knowledge of the concepts and theories covered in  FIT1049).  If you  refer to a theory or source of information in your reflection, however, you are expected to apply the APA 7th style of citing and referencing as usual. If you do cite sources in your reflective report, the reference list will not be included in the 3-4 page length requirement (i.e. it would be additional to the 3-4 page length).

For academic integrity reasons, make sure you do not include any text copied over from other assessment tasks you have submitted, including your Portfolio tasks and other assignments; this Assignment 4 report is a separate assessment, so must include original content and writing.

Criteria for assessment:

Your report will be assessed based on the criteria below, and the marking sheet is designed to reflect these criteria. 1.    Content of reflection

2.    Organisation of reflection

3.    Quality of writing

4.    Quality of presentation

5.    Appropriate citation of sources

For this assessment, you must not use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to

generate any materials or content in relation to the assessment task.


Exemplary (80-100)

Meeting aspiration (70-79)

Satisfactory (60-69)

Needs development (50-59)

Unsatisfactory/none (0-49)

Description and analysis of the processes

involved in the unit(s) (i.e.

FIT1049 and/or other units) (5)

The description of the unit(s)

processes is selectively and

meaningfully presented (e.g.

thematic, chronological), and their analysis is comprehensive and

purposefully presented as

background of reflections

The description of the unit(s)

processes is meaningfully

presented (e.g. thematic,

chronological), and their analysis is

generally comprehensive and

effectively presented as

background of reflections

The description of the unit(s) processes is overall meaningfully presented (e.g.

thematic, chronological), but their

analysis is limited, though somewhat effectively presented as background of reflections.

The description of the unit(s) processes

resembles more a juxtaposition of information than a cohesive narrative, and/or their analysis is limited and may not be effectively presented as background of reflections.

The description of the unit(s)

processes resembles a

juxtaposition of information more than a cohesive narrative, and/or  their analysis is not included.

Reflections on  the processes involved in the unit(s) (10)

The unit(s) experience is analysed systematically, using theories and concepts covered in the unit,

elaborated comprehensively with examples.

The reflections are purposefully

and meaningfully presented to

address what the student could do to improve their professional

practice in future.

The unit(s) experience is analysed systematically, using theories and concepts covered in the unit,

elaborated with examples.

The reflections are meaningfully presented to address what the

student could do to improve their professional practice  in future.

The unit(s) experience is analysed

partially, though using theories and

concepts covered in the unit, elaborated with examples.

The reflections are meaningfully

presented to address what the student could do to improve their study

performance and/or participation in

future, but there is limited reflection on their professional practice.

The unit(s) experience is analysed in a limited manner, while using theories and concepts

covered in the unit, but with insufficient and/or relevant examples.

The reflections are presented partially to

address what the student could do to improve their study performance and/or participation in future, but there is limited reflection on their

professional practice.

The unit(s) experience is not

analysed sufficiently with reference to theories and concepts covered in the unit, and/or they are not

elaborated with sufficient and/or relevant examples.

The reflections do not cover what the student could do to improve their study performance and/or participation and/or professional practice in future.

Quality of

writing (10)

The writing is purposefully and

effectively formatted and written as a report with a strong narrative and consistent voice.

The report includes the effective use of necessary structural

elements as appropriate (such as title, author’s name, date and


The language and expressions used are consistently professional and

articulate, and there are no

grammatical or typographical errors in the writing.

Where applicable, the writing

includes both citing and

referencing, consistently and

accurately following the APA style.

The writing is effectively formatted and written as a report with a

consistent narrative and voice.

The report includes necessary

structural elements as appropriate (such as title, author’s name, date and headings).

The language and expressions used are generally professional and

articulate, but there may be a few grammatical or typographical

errors in the writing.

Where applicable, the writing

includes both citing and

referencing, mostly yet accurately following the APA style.

The writing is generally formatted and written as a report with a somewhat consistent narrative and voice.

The report includes necessary structural elements as appropriate (such as title, author’s name, date and headings),

though there may be some

inconsistencies at times in the format and/or minor omission of structural    elements.

The language and expressions used could be more professional and/or articulate at times, and there </