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Assignment: DB Fundamentals SQL


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Assignment: DB Fundamentals SQL (60 points)

Read the briefcase below.  Using Oracle Application Express, complete the questions.

Downtown Office Supply

Downtown Office supply is a small family owned store in a small suburb.  In order to maintain and grow the business the owners want to do some analysis to see how their sales are doing.  Management wants to see how the company did last year and make    some decisions about what products to keep along with staffing for busy times of the  year.


1.    Visit Oracle Live SQL - https://livesql.oracle.com

2.   Create an account and login.  The account should be created using your UTD email address.

3.   Click on “My Scripts” on the left menu.

4.   Upload the “OfficeSupply.sql” script by clicking the upload Script button  in the

upper right corner.


5.   Fill in the required fields and upload the script.

6.   Once the script is uploaded click Run Script in the upper righ corner.


7.   Click on the “Run” on the top right corner

8.   To verify if your script ran fine – Click on “Schema” from the menu on the left.   You ll find the tables listed as described below.  Take a Screenshot and paste it into the document.

10 points for setup.

Use the ER Diagram below to understand the Data Model


Respond to the questions below. Paste the query and a screenshot of the result for each of the questions. Take the Screenshot in away that the Username is captured. For example:

10 points each  - You must include a screenshot AND the sql query in your answer.  The  screenshot must clearly display yourusername.  5 pts for the screenshot, 5 pts for the query.

1.    List all the different product categories and subcategories. Sort the subcategories in alphabetical order.

2.    How many ORDERS had a CRITICAL order_priority?

3.    Display the order date and the ship date for all orders that were made April 1 through April 15.  List the order date, ship date, order priority, and ship mode.  Order the

results by order_date. Do you notice anything unusual about the data? [Hint: You will need to join the orders and shipping together and use a join statement.  You will

need to limit the result set by the date field order_date <= to_date('04/15/2018', 'mm/dd/yyyy'). ]

4.   How much sales and profit was made from the sales of COMPUTER PERIPHERALS (Prod_8)?  [Hint:  you will use the SUM function you will need a WHERE clause to   filter the rows].

5.   List the sales, order_quantity, and profit for all products in the TECHNOLOGY

category.  Display the product subcategory name, the sales, order quantity, and profit.  Order by the product subcategory name.