关键词 > CIS25

Final → 120 Points Possible / 25% of Final Grade


The Final exam template will be e-mailed on Dec. 9th.

The Final exam is due Dec. 13th by 11:59 pm in student folder. No late final exams will be accepted.

Students will be able to use their textbook, handwritten notes, old programs they have created and the internet.

STUDENTS MUST WORK ALONE ON THE FINAL. Students will not receive credit for FINAL if any work is duplicated from or by other students.

All Assignments issued between the MID-TERM and FINAL are due on Dec. 13th by 11:59 pm. No Assignments issued before the midterm will be accepted, only Assignments 11 - 16 and Extra Credit Templates.

There will be 3 Sections for the FINAL


50 Point section

Provide in depth answers in your own words. Do not copy and paste from wikipedia or google. Do not copy from class notes verbatim. Be prepared to compare and contrast when completing short answer section.

➢ Class Diagram

10 Point Section 


60 Point Section

Short programming tasks similar to programming tasks from lecture/lab assignments.


50 Point section

Provide in depth answers in your own words. Do not copy and paste from wikipedia or google. Do not copy from class notes verbatim. Be prepared to compare and contrast when completing short answer section. DO NOT use red/pink colored fonts for answers.

1. (5 Points) Describe object oriented programming in your own words.

2. (5 Points) How are Strings and Arrays similar in C++? How are they different?

3. (10 Points) Please compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a dynamic array vs static array.

4. (10 Points) Describe Method overriding. What OOP concepts are directly related to method overriding?

5. (10 Points) Please describe similarities and differences between Method Overloading and Constructor Overloading.

6.  (5 Points) – Describe a “getter” method. Typically what type of method is used as a “getter” method?

7.  (5 Points) – Describe a “setter” method. Typically what type of method is used as a “setter” method?

Class Diagram

10 Point Section - Each Letter is worth 2 Points













60 Point Section

Short programming tasks similar to programming tasks from lecture/lab assignments.


30 Points


Implement Class Correctly


Solve Problem and implement correct solutions


Coding Conventions / Readability of code

Create a class

Use Constructors, Parameters, and arguments as needed.

Have the user input number of seconds. Convert number of seconds to days, hours, minutes, and remaining seconds up to 7 days. If the number of seconds is greater than 7 days do not convert and print a message “user entered seconds greater than 7 days.”

Create a  main function to control the operation of the program:

If the user inputs a second amount for conversion less than or equal to 0 the program should prompt the user for input.



Only output days if there are enough seconds for 1 day.

❖ Attach Snipping Photo of Source Code and Output


● Days

● Hours

● Minutes

● Seconds

Only output hours if there are enough seconds for 1 hour.

❖ Attach Snipping Photo of Source Code and Output 

● Hours

● Minutes

● Seconds

Only output minutes if there are enough seconds for 1 minute.

❖ Attach Snipping Photo of Source Code and Output

● Minutes

● Seconds


30 Points


Bank Account Program Operates Correctly


Read and Write Account data to and form long-term memory


Coding Conventions / Readability of code


Bank Account Program Update.

Implement a .txt file as long term storage for the program. Write data to file once program operation ends. Read data from a file.

Create an Account Class

Create a Menu Class

Create a main() function to coordinate the execution of the program.

We will need methods:

● Method for Depositing values into the account.

○ What type of method will it be?

● Method for Withdrawing values from the account.

○ What type of method will it be?

● Method to output the balance of the account.

○ What type of method will it be?

● Method that will output all deposits made to the account.

● Method that will output all withdraws made from the account.

❖ Attach Snipping Photo of Source Code and Output of each method operating.

❖ Attach Snipping Photo of Source Code and Output for data being written into and read from long-term storage. Make sure to include a picture of the methods used to read and write data to the .txt file.

❖ Attach Snipping Photo .txt file used for long term storage.