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ISYS1101/1102 Assignment 4: Web Database Application and Report


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Assignment name: Assignment 4: Web Database Application and Report

Course code: ISYS1101/1102

Weighting: 35 marks

Due date: 23:59 Sunday 29 October 2023

1. Course Learning Outcomes Assessed

This assessment will assess how you attained the following course learning outcomes:

CLO 1: apply advanced data analysis and modelling concepts, physical design, integrity, security and transaction management. CLO 4: build an efficient database application with an emphasis on storage management, indexing and query optimisation;

CLO 6: develop a simple web-based interface for a database.

2. Overview of Assessment

This assessment will determine your ability to:

1.     compare and analyse relational and non-relational database systems;

2.     write technical reports suitable for a non-technical audience;

3.     write SQL statements required for CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations on the database you built;

4.     by embedding above SQL as appropriate, write the complete web application using HTML, PHP, JavaScript and any other required tools; 5.     Demonstrate your complete web database application.

3. Assessment Tasks

Assignment Specifications: ISYS1101-1102 Assignment 4 - Sem 2 2023.pdf (https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/107475/files/34225432?wrap=1) (https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/107475/files/34225432/download?download_frd=1)

Support files:

.htaccess (https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/107475/files/32987735?wrap=1)


Sample Schema Subset.pdf (https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/107475/files/32987740?wrap=1)


Sample Data for Assignment 4.txt (https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/107475/files/32987758?wrap=1)


4. Submission Instructions & Feedback

Follow the instructions on Canvas to complete your submission.

Task 1 Submission

You will need to submit two things:

1.  The URL of the Task 1. Please submit your website URL as submission instruction. It must follow the pattern


2. A zipped file containing full codebase for your website. It must include html, JavaScript, CSS, and PHP files and also make sure your Oracle credentials are also included. DO NOT use the RMIT authentication (or any other confidential passwords) for Oracle.

Task 2 Submission

The report length should be between 1000 - 1500 words. You must be careful about quoting texts extracted from other sources. You can paraphrase them with proper referencing. Before you start your report, please refer RMIT Library Referencing Guide, available at:


You can use Microsoft Word or another word processing application to work on your research report. At the end, convert it into PDF format. Do not submit Word file. if that option is not available on your system there are free pdf converters online you can utilise. e.g.


5. Assessment Criteria

Task 1

15 marks for the website development

Task 2

20 marks for the report

The detailed breakdown is provided on the marking Rubric available on Canvas

6. Academic Integrity

Academic integrity - When you submit work, it must be your own. Learn how to avoid plagiarism and cheating (https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/my-course/assessment-results/academic-integrity) .

7. Study support

Visit the 'Setting up for Success' module in the course to get help with referencing, writing skills, study skills, finding information, group work, and more. You can also get connected to one-on-one support with an Academic Skills Advisor, a librarian, or a peer mentor.

Assignment 4




Voter Validation

The web form

accepts correct input, checks if    the checkbox is not ticked (client- side validation), checks if the

voter exists


validation), and checks if the

voter has voted before (server- side validation).

6 pts

Full Marks

All the validations were done

correctly and they ensure the

ballots were issued only after all validations passed.

4 pts

Partial Marks

Server-side validations are

done correctly, but client- side validation is

incomplete or incorrect.

3 pts

Partial Marks

Client-side validations are completed, however, server- side validations are

incomplete or incorrect.

0 pts

No Marks

Incomplete or


implementation of validations.

0 pts

No marks



done any validations.

6 pts


Generation and Processing

After the voter identification is validated and

the correct

electorate is

identified, a

ballot paper

(form) is

generated using the correct list of candidates, and  once submitted

preference data is correctly


6 pts

Full Marks

The implementation of the ballot generation and

processing is flawless and complete.

4 pts

Partial Marks

Mostly correct SQL, but significant flaws in some SQL statements

resulting in incorrect ballot paper (form).

1 pts

Partial Marks

Major flaws in the logic (or syntax) of

embedded SQL statements or wrapper PHP code, resulting in non-functional program.

0 pts

No Marks



6 pts

Presentation of pages

Presentation of pages in web application

3 pts

Full Marks

Outstanding and flawless interface for web

application with "wow"


2 pts

Partial Marks

Pages in web application are mostly rendered in a user-friendly and accessible manner.

There is room for improvement.

0 pts

No Marks

Some pages present correct information but web application incomplete or contains major errors    rendering it not-fit-for-the-purpose.

3 pts


Comparison of the two

implementations, identifying

advantages and disadvantages   and drawing


15 to >12.0 pts Excellent


comparison of

the two

implementations covering a range of metrics and accurately

identifying the

12 to >10.0 pts Very Good

A very good comparison of the two

implementations covering several metrics and

identifying some of the main

10 to >8.0 pts Good

A valid

comparison of the two

implementations covering more    than one


metric and

8 to >7.0 pts

