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CISC 221 - Assignment 1


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Word Count

CISC 221 - Assignment 1


Write a program in C that reads from the standard input, i.e. keyboard, and counts the number of lines, words, and characters up to the EOF. It should mimic the built-in Unix/Linux command of wc.

● It will only need to work with texts encoded with ASCII.

● When reading from the input, before reaching EOF, the texts are assumed to be divided into lines, marked by ’\n’, the newline character.

● To simplify the case, we need to consider the following delimiters between words

○ newline ’\n’

○ tab ’\t’

○ space ’ ’

○ period ’.’

○ semicolon ’;’

○ colon ’:’

● The rest of the texts are grouped as “words” for counting.

● You are limited to using <stdio.h> and <string.h>.

Take the following steps:

1. Activate your CASLab account: https://courses.caslab.queensu.ca/accounts-management/

2. Remote log into one of the Linux machines (e.g. linux.caslab.queensu.ca) using an SSH client (Windows) or the ssh command (Unix/Linux/macOS).

3. Create necessary directories to best organize your work.

4. Use a text editor (e.g. nano, vi, or emacs) to write your C source file, call it wc.c.

5. Compile it with gcc -o wc wc.c so that the output executable is wc.

6. Run your program by issuing ./wc. In the terminal, type in arbitrary lines of texts, and end it with Ctrl-d. If you have a text file handy, say LoremIpsum.txt, you can also feed it to your program using I/O redirection to save yourself from repetitive typing, that is, ./wc < LoremIpsum.txt.

7. Make sure your output agrees with the built-in command of wc by checking it with wc < LoremIpsum.txt.


● Submit the single file wc.c via OnQ.

○ Ensure that your source code is well-documented and readable.

○ Make sure it is tested on the CASLab machines.