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INFS7007 – Intelligent Business Analysis


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INFS7007 - Intelligent Business Analysis

Assignment Marking Scheme for Midterm Report 2023 Semester 2


Maximum Mark



Deliverable: Mid-project Progress Report

Section 1 – Introduction

. Overall system and organizational background (1 mark)

. Your rationale (reasons) for choice of this system (1 mark)

2 marks

Section 2 - System Overview (Week 2, & part of Week 5)

. Systems Diagram (1 mark)

. Basic system features (Purpose (Major Functions), Input, Output, Interfaces, boundaries, etc.) (1 mark)

2 marks

Section 3 - Requirements Analysis (Week 5)

. Requirements gathering

o At least two methods and their justification (1 mark)

. Requirements identification (classified by user type) (1 mark)

2 marks

Section 4 - Traditional Models

. Context diagram (1/2 mark)

. DFD Level 0 (1 mark)

. DVD Level of at least one process (1/2 mark)

2 marks

Report Format

. Report format (professional, with numbered headings, title page, etc.) (1 mark)

1 mark


9 marks

Guidelines for preparing your midterm report

. Overall

o You are explaining how a system provides value to an organization – you need to give detail about HOW and WHY it does what it does

o The report needs to be consistent, with all sections supporting each other towards making the reader understand system

o Use professional report format – so title page, short executive summary, contents page, numbered headings for the Sections 1-4 specified – and references where appropriate. Use a portrait orientation and avoid using large graphics as a background or excessive use of screenshots.

o There is NO recommended page/word length, or limit – as many as required to show you understand the course content covered within first six lectures, and how to perform the analysis

. Section 1

o Don’t forget to explain the background of the organization who owns the system and how that system provides value to them

o You also need to explain the rationale (reasoning) for choosing this system to analyse

. You don’t need to tellus the real business or system name (confidentiality is respected). However,the report needs to clearly explain the organizational   background and system

. Section 2

o Draw asystems diagram and discuss scope

. Using the basic system features (slide 15 of Week 2) will help with this

o If you have a very large system, this is where you focus on a particular major function(s) or sub-system(s)

. Section 3

o First explain how you gathered requirements, why that method(s) and who from

. Optional: Good idea to include copies of any surveys, questionnaires,

interview questions, etc. you created – put them in an Appendix at the end of your report

o Then for each type of user/stakeholder you identified and gather requirements from, identify what their requirements are

. Suggest you workout the best way to allow you to organise by type

(manager, customer, etc.) and importance (mandatory, desirable & frill)

. Section 4

o Draw a context diagram

o Your process models will be DFDs and done to the level 1 DFDs

. Make sure you follow the rules concerning use of DFDs

. Clearly title every DFD (captions will help with cross-referencing)

o Strongly recommend use of some form of CASE or modelling diagram tool

. You may draw by hand, but be extra careful to make them neat and readable