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WW-MATH 112 Applied Calculus for Aviation


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Applied Calculus for Aviation

Online Course Syllabus

Worldwide 2023-10 October

Course Information

Credit Hours: 3

Delivery Method: Online (Internet/Canvas)

Instructor Information


Laramie Paxton


[email protected]

Required Course Materials

Title: MyLab Math Canvas for Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus with

Direct Integration for ERAU WW: Ebook and digital access code

ISBN: 978-0137992812

Authors: Allyn J. Washington, Richard Evans

Publisher: Pearson Education, Inc.

Publication Date: 2021

Edition: 12th

Format: Textbook and Access Code


You must purchase the ebook and access code through the Worldwide Bookstore or Pearson via Canvas. If you purchase the access code through online retailers that    specialize in used items, it will not be guaranteed by Pearson.

This course uses the same custom direct integration textbook title and edition of other

MATH courses you may have taken or will take. MyLab access is charged per course.

Your course materials purchase will only provide you with Mylab access for this course. It will not work for any other course. Your purchase provides access for a period of 18


For students who are retaking this course, you will need to purchase access for this text  title if (a.) your MyLab access is expired or will expire before the registered term ends, or (b.) the numeric textbook edition has changed.

Suggested Course Materials

Title: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

ISBN: 978-1433832161 (Paperback), 9781433832185 (eBook)

Authors: American Psychological Association

Publisher: American Psychological Association

Publication Date: 2020

Edition: 7th

Catalog Course Description

This course presents basic calculus, designed for the student of aviation. Topics include   differentiation and integration of algebraic functions; applications to velocity, acceleration, area, curve sketching, and computation of extreme values.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 112 Prerequisite is MATH 111 or MATH 140 or qualifying score on the mathematics skills assessment or ALEKS.

Course Goals

The course is designed to provide the Aeronautical Science, Aircraft Maintenance and   Professional Aeronautics student with an understanding of basic differential and integral calculus as a mathematics foundation for further work in their degree program. It is also  intended that the student gain insight into some of the problem-solving techniques used in modern science and technology.

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Identify basic functions from their graphs and evaluate limits from graphs and from algebraic expressions.

2. Find the derivative of a product, a quotient, a composite, and an implicit function. 3. Use the derivative to find tangent lines and interpret tangent slope as a rate of

change. Apply rate-of change concepts to problems involving straight line motion.

4. Use calculus to solve applied optimization problems.

5. Analyze graphs of polynomial functions using the derivative as tool.

6. Find the antiderivative of a function. Use these techniques to manipulate indefinite integrals.

7. Compute the area under a curve using approximate and exact methods. Interpret area for various functions arising in the field of Aeronautical Science.

8. Using integration, derive the equations of motion. Given initial conditions find the velocity and displacement equations.


Scale                    Grade

90 - 100               A (Superior)

80 - 89                   B (Above Average)

70 - 79                   C (Average)

60 - 69                   D (Below Average)

0 - 59                   F (Failure)

Evaluation Items & Weights

Skills Practice and Review    20%

Skills Check

Show Work







Skills Practice and Review

MyLab Skills Practices are delivered via MyLab in Modules 1-9. You will receive the same

questions but different variable values in these assignments. You can work on the problem set and make use of systematic instructions, examples of similar problems, access the online

textbook, and other multimedia resources up until the due date. You have unlimited chances to submit an answer to each question. A 10% per day penalty is applied to questions answered    after the due date.

Skills Check

The Midterm MyLab Skills Check and Final MyLab Skills Check will include problems related to sections of the online course textbook assigned in the previous modules. The Midterm covers   Modules 1-4, and the Final covers Modules 5–9. The checks are administered via MyLab.

Each Skills Check has a single opportunity to answer the set of questions with a time limit. Once the Skills Check has begun, you must complete it. You are required to submit your    mathematical computations in the Show Work Assignment, where the instructor can give   precise feedback about procedural errors.

Important Note | Integrity Declaration: There is a student integrity declaration activity before each Skills Check. You cannot access the Skills Check in Module 5 (Midterm) and Module 9     (Final) until you complete the integrity declaration activity. In the activity, you must "Agree" to the integrity statement. By selecting "Agree" to the integrity declaration statement, you declare that the work in the Show Work document is entirely your own and you have not shared it with anyone else. Read the next paragraph for details about Show Work.

Show Work

Following the Midterm MyLab Skills Check and Final MyLab Skills Check, you must upload the mathematical computations you worked out on paper during each Skills Check within 30

minutes of completing the MyLab Skills Check. The instructor is looking for particular steps on   some questions and will deduct points if no work is shown, even if MyLab marked your answer correctly. Partial credit may be added to the score in MyLab if the work shows that the machine grading did not reflect your understanding of the topic being assessed. Most grading

adjustments based on the submitted work will happen in MyLab, and the Show Work

assignment will earn the same score as the exam; on rare occasions, a mismatch will be

explained in the grading feedback from the instructor. If no Show Work is submitted within the time limit, a zero will be recorded. You are encouraged to complete the optional activity in

Module 2 on submitting Show Work to obtain feedback from your instructor.

Reminder: Your Show Work must be your work. Do not share it with anyone else.


Discussion assignments are included in each module week. It is essential to post by the end of the fourth day of the module week, in order to give enough time for you to reply to your

classmate's initial post. Modules 5 and 9 are virtual study halls to help prepare you for the Skills Check. It is suggested to start those on the first day of the module week. Participation is a

crucial part of online learning. You are not restricted on the amount of interaction in this course; it is highly encouraged. All students must post a solution attempt for each discussion in their

own words; cutting/pasting from someone else's work is detectable and will not be tolerated.

Disability and Special Needs and Mental Health Wellness

ERAU-WW is committed to the success of all students. It is a University policy to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities, who qualify for services. If you  would like to request accommodations due to a physical, mental or learning disability,

please contact the Disability Services Support Office at 386-226-7334 or via email at [email protected]. ALL DISCUSSIONS ARE CONFIDENTIAL.

Mental Well-Being Statement

ERAU recognizes that life stressors, such as depression, anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, relationship problems and various other experiences can hinder the learning process. All ERAU students have access to free, confidential counseling through TELUS Health. You can access a counselor 24/7 via phone, computer or chat in the Student Support app.

Please download the app or add the link to your computer and consider using this

valuable resource during your educational journey at ERAU. More information on TELUS can be found on the WW Dean of Students ERNIE page.

Additional Information

Please note that you may be able to see the course content up to 4 (four) days prior to the official term start date. However, you will not be able to actively

participate in the course (e.g., submit assignments, participate in discussions, receive credit for an activity, etc.) until 12am on the official day of term start.

APA Format

Go to the APA website for additional information about the American Psychological Association Publication Manual.


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has one of the most complete library collections of aviation-related resources in the world. The Hunt Library is the library for all

Worldwide students regardless of location. For help finding resources for your

assignment, project, or topic, or to learn more about the library services available to you, please contact our librarians using the following information:

Hunt Library Worldwide: Information, Services, Help

Library Basic Training


Library Hours

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]


The Title IX Office oversees compliance of Title IX Sexual Harassment in accordance with

Federal Regulations, as well as incidents falling under the University Sexual Misconduct policy.  Policy violations can include sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, relationship / dating violence, sexual misconduct, and stalking.

Anyone may report suspected or known violations to the Title IX Office and may be able to receive supportive measures. Please see the Title IX website for additional information.

WW Title IX Office

Email: wwtitle9@erau.edu

Website: https://worldwide.erau.edu/administration/title-ix-compliance

Online Complaint Form

Course Policies

Academic Integrity

Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All

students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will involve

imposing sanctions which may include, but are not limited to, a failing grade on the    assignment, a failing grade in a course, suspension, or dismissal from the University, upon students who commit the following academic violations:

1. Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, words, or products of another as one’s own.

Plagiarism includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper acknowledgment of the source. Reuse or resubmission of a student’s own  coursework if previously used or submitted in another course, is considered self-   plagiarism, and is also not allowed under University policy.

2. Cheating: A broad term that includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or materials during examinations.

2. The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior to, during, or following administration of the examination.

3. Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be, or presented as, individual work.

4. Fraud and deceit, that include knowingly furnishing false or misleading   information or failing to furnish appropriate information when requested, such as when applying for admission to the University.

Note: The Instructor reserves the right to use any form of digital method for checking

plagiarism. Several electronic systems are available and other methods may be used at the Instructor’s discretion.

Online Learning

This course is offered through Embry-Riddle Online (Canvas) and runs nine (9) weeks. The first week begins the first day of the term and ends at midnight EDT/EST (as

applicable) seven days later. Please note that all assignments, unless otherwise

indicated, are due by 11:59p.m. EDT/EST on the date shown. Success in this course    requires in-depth study of each module as assigned, timely completion of assignments, and regular participation in forum discussions.

Late work should be the exception and not the rule and may be downgraded at the

discretion of the Instructor, if accepted at all. Unless all work is submitted, the student    could receive a failing grade for the course. Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the Instructor and only for the length of time the

Instructor deems appropriate. The most important element of success in an online course is to communicate with your Instructor throughout the term.

Conventions of “online etiquette,” which include courtesy to all users, will be observed.  Students should use the Send Message function in Canvas for private messages to the Instructor and other students. The class discussion forums are for public messages.

It is highly recommended that students keep electronic copies of all materials submitted as assignments, discussion posts and emails, until after the end of the term and a final  grade is received. When posting responses in a discussion forum, please confirm that    the responses have actually been posted after you submit them.

Course Specific Policies

Late Work Policy: All course work is expected to be completed on time and should be submitted before 11:59 PM ET on the date indicated in the Course Schedule below.

Unless otherwise specified in this document, late work will be downgraded 10% for each day it is past due, up to 5 days beyond the deadline. After that, a permanent score of

zero (0) will be entered in the Canvas Grades area (Note: please look in the

“Assignments” section of the syllabus for more instructions). Please coordinate with the instructor as soon as possible if you know your assignment will be late. In some special cases, a penalty-free extension might be granted if you provide your expected date of

submission in addition to the reason you cannot make the deadline (expect to provide     supporting documentation). Keep in mind that you are always allocated a sufficient time  to complete your assignments, so difficulties encountered less than 24 hours prior to the deadline will not be viewed in a favorable light.

Exceptions: Instructors may choose to develop and implement their own policies regarding the following:

1. Discussion boards (initial posts and replies to classmates)

2. Assignments submitted after the last class day

3. Assignments submitted using third-party integrations

Any such deviations must be clearly posted in the announcements, instructor bio, and online office (as well as any other appropriate location).

© Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Last updated: 04/20/2023

By: Elena Vishnevskaya


Before you begin the course, read the Important Course Information and other items in the Start Here module. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.

Visit the Modules area for an overview of the course structure and direct navigation to all course content.

All assignments due by 11:59 pm ET.



Name (link)






Name (link)





Module 5 - Assignment: Show Work - Midterm Skills Check

Assignment 100


Module 6 - Discussion: Critical Values




Module 6 - Skills Practice 6




Module 7 - Skills Practice 7




Module 7 - Discussion: Antiderivatives




Module 8 - Discussion: Definite Integrals




Module 8 - Skills Practice 8




Module 9 - Skills Practice 9
