关键词 > COEN-233



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Q-1) I am very new to client server programming; how should I approach the assignment?

Answer: - Here area couple of useful links to point you to the right direction


Q-2) What should I do if I have questions?

Answer: - You may send an email to the grader atyouremail as grader to schedule individual appointments at other times.

Keep in mind that you must design your algorithm yourself, the grader is there to help you understand the problem statement and to clarify assumptions.

Q-3) What programming language should be used?

Answer: - Programming assignments should be in C language only. No other programming language will be accepted.

Q-4) What file should I submit for the programming assignments?

Answer: - For both programming assignments, you need to submit a soft copy of the assignments, including your source code (.c), input file (.txt) if there is any, output files (.pdfor .png or .jpeg).

Your email subject should be in the following format:

“COEN-233-Fall-2023-ProgrammingAssignment-<your name>”

Make sure you attach 2 zip files for each programming assignment.

Code should have proper comments and indentations. Don’t forget to include your student ID and name in your source code.

You will be asked to download your source code from your email submission, and compile and run your program.

Q-5) Do we have to use two computers making one as a server and one as a client?

Answer: - No, client and server should be on one computer only. Two windows/terminals can be run simultaneously making one as a client and another as a server, no multithreading necessary.

Q-6) Should I make assumptions when working on the assignment?

Answer: - You should make sure that your program meets all the requirements of the problem statement. If you are unsure about the requirements, it would be best to ask for clarification during grader’s office hours or via email.

Q-7) Can I use online resources?

Answer: - You may use online resources, textbooks and other resources as reference materials. However, your program should be your original work.

Plagiarism is strictly prohibited by the SCU Honor Code. Any act of dishonesty will be severely penalized.

Q-8) Can I give demo for both assignments separately?

Answer: - If you finish the first programming assignment before the due date, early submissions and demos will be accepted with possible extra credit.

You are strongly encouraged to start working on the assignment early to allow enough time to finish both assignments.

Q-9) If I submit the soft copy only but don't do the demo, will there be any penalty?

Answer: - The purpose of doing a demo is to prove the originality of your work, show your understanding of socket programming as you explain your code.

There will be severe deduction if you submit your source code without a demo.

Q-10) I am ready for the demo? What should I do?

Answer: - You may demo your programs during grader’s office hours, or by appointment.

Make sure you submit your source code, input/output files before the demo.

Please bring your own laptop in zoom session on which you can run your code.

Q-11) Can I do the demo after the deadline?

Answer: - No programming assignments submissions or demos will be accepted after November 19, 2023.

Q-12) What should I explain during demo?

Answer: - You should explain the structure and flow of your program for all the testcases and required features. You should show that your client and server are able to send normal data packet to each other successfully.

You should also show how your client and server handle the four error cases stated in the requirements.

Finally, you should show that yourack_timer is functional,i.e. prints out an error message and closes the socket when ack_timer expires.

Q-13) On what basis grading will be done?

Answer: - Grading will be based on following parameters:

Demo – Algorithm explanation with all the testcases mentioned in the problem statement, source code compiles and runs without throwing any error, etc.

Source code – Correctness of the algorithm, comments, indentation.

If your assignments submissions and demo meet all the requirements in the problem statement, you will receive full credit.

Q-14) When and how will I know my grades?

Answer: - Your grades will be consolidated by the professor at the end of the quarter.