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CS 211 Assignment 1


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CS 211 Assignment 1


Fall 2023


The  SimpleDB  project  aims  to  create  a  rudimentary  Database  Management  System (DBMS) implemented in the C programming language. This project provides a command-line interface  (CLI)  that  allows  users  to  interact  with  a  basic  database,  performing  essential operations such as setup,insert, delete, modify, get, and exit. The primary goal of SimpleDB is to provide a foundation for understanding the fundamental principles of data management in C.

Your  program  will  be  required  to  store  three  different  types  of  data:  Programming Languages,  Operating  Systems,  and  Databases.  Each  table will  store various  data types and differing values. The user will be able to declare the table size, insert data, delete data, modify existing records, and get all records via a set of commands. Your software should respond to these commands, perform the intended action, and provide the proper output back to the user.


Your program must not utilize functions from any external C library. In other words, you must code all of the logic as per the standards set forth below. The libraries included in the skeleton code should be all that is required to complete a successful implementation.

You   are   able    to   create    helper   functions   in    order   to    complete   the   necessary implementations. However, ensure that the provided function signatures are the functions used for execution.

The skeleton code will provide you with an interactive shell and a means to parse the input from the user.


Your  SimpleDB  should  be  able to  store three tables  of data: Programing Languages, Operating  Systems,  and  Databases.  Each  category  should  have  a  unique  typedef struct  that identifies its schema. When we reference “table,” we are referencing the array of structs declared in memory. Each table should be defined as a single array in your C code stored in memory.

When we reference “record,” we are referencing the individual struct that is stored inside the array.


id: int

language: dynamically allocated string

year: int

creator: dynamically allocated string

paradigm: dynamically allocated string

popularityIndex: double


id: int

name: dynamically allocated string

year: int

developer: dynamically allocated string

kernelType: dynamically allocated string


id: int

name: dynamically allocated string

year: int

type: dynamically allocated string

developer: dynamically allocated string

*There will be one additional field that is maintained internally (not shown to user),that is discussed in the DELETE passage*

Table Metadata

In order for your code to properly function, you must maintain a separate structure that keeps track of various fields pertinent to each table. At a minimum, you should maintain the following fields:

count: int

○   This integer will  store the current count of records in a particular table. This is useful as when you traverse the array (table) of structs (records), you must know how many elements are currently in the array (table).

This should be initialized in initializeMetadata().

This should be updated as records are inserted.

nextIndex: int

○   This integer will store the indexof the next available slot in the array (table). This is important because as you insert, you must know what index you can insert into.

This should be initialized in initializeMetadata()

This should be updated as records are inserted.

maxCount: int

○   This integer will store the maximum number of records (instances of structs) that can be stored in a table (array). This is important because as you insert, your program should know if there is enough space to insert.

This should be initialized during setup.


The user will have access to the following commands to interact with SimpleDB. The table names correspond to the camel-cased table names in section “Table.”


setup {table} {numRows}

Setup will allocate enough memory for {numRows} in {table}.

This command is to be executed before performing any other operations.


insert {table} {data}

Insert will allow you to add {data} to {table} following {table}’s schema.

The order of the data must match the order of attributes as defined in Tables

E.g., for table databases: {id} {name} {year} {type} {developer}

The user does not provide any data for internally maintained fields (see “Delete”)


delete {table} {id}

Delete will allow you to soft delete all records that match {id} in {table}


modify {table} {id} {data}

Modify will allow you to modify all records that match {id} in {table}.

It will overwrite all of the data points stored in the record

○   The data input will be the same as insert. See “Insert” and the examples below. ●   Get

get {table}

Get will allow you to retrieve all non-deleted records from table

○   It will print in CSV format, where values that contain spaces are wrapped in quotes. See examples below.

■   E.g., Dennis Ritchie -> “Dennis Ritchie”



Exit will free all allocated memory and gracefully terminate the program.

void setup(char* table, int numRows)

CS211> setup {table}

The setup function is responsible for allocating enough memory to store numRows structs of data in a particular array. The function takes in the table name, and the number of rows to allocate as a parameter. You should use the name of the table to determine which table to allocate this space for. Additionally, you should update the table’s metadata accordingly.

You can assume that a setup command for each table will be executed before any other commands are executed (e.g., you will always have allocated memory before the user attempts to access/modify the database).

void insert(char** args)

CS211> insert {table} {data}

The insert function is responsible for inserting a row (instances of struct) into a particular table (array). As input, it will take the user’s command as an array of strings. It should first use the table name to determine which array the data is to be inserted. It should then check if the array has enough capacity to store this new entry (metadata!). If there is insufficient space, print “cannot insert due to insufficient capacity.\n”

Finally, it should use relevant information in the metadata to determine where to put the user’s data. Your insert function should insert to the next available index – the order of the records  should  be  oldest  to  newest.  To  wrap  up,  you  should  also update the  corresponding metadata fields.

You can assume that all of the data elements required for a particular table will be

present in the command and will be in the correct order.

void delete(char* table, int id)

CS211> delete {table} {id}

The delete function is responsible for marking rows as “deleted.” This is known as a “soft-delete,”  wherein  the  data  remains  stored, but has an associated flag to control how to handle  soft-deleted  records. Your table  structures should contain an internal field to the effect of isDeleted.” This  field  should  not  be  displayed  anywhere,  and  should  only  be maintained by the DBMS to control what records are displayed when the user retrieves all of the records. You should not deallocate the data, but instead update the isDeleted field: this is known as a soft-delete.”

You should “delete” all records that match the ID passed in.

void modify(char** args)

CS211> modify {table} {id} {data}

The modify function is responsible for modifying existing row(s) (instances of structs) of a particular table (array). As input, it will take the user’s command as an array of strings. It should first use the table name to determine which array the data is to be inserted. It should then do a full replacement of the data, and update the internal fields.

NOTE: a “char*” is a pointer to dynamically allocated memory. Thus, the variable stores a memory location. Before you overwrite the pointer, you should take proper steps to deallocate the previous pointer before you allocate a new pointer.

You can assume that all of the data elements required for a particular table will be present in the command and will be in the correct order.

You should modify all records that match the ID passed in.

void get(char* table)

CS211> get {table}

The get function is responsible for fetching all of the non-deleted records in a particular table. As input, it will take the name of the table as a string. The function should then return a comma-separated list of the headers (exactly as depicted in the Tables section, case-sensitive), followed  by  the  comma-separated  list  of the  values.  The  headers and records should all be separated by new lines (see examples below).

NOTE: To print a float, you must use “%lf

void exitProgram()

CS211> exit

The exit function is responsible for freeing all of the memory allocated by the program and terminating the process. It is important to note that you need to free any memory allocated inside of the struct before you free the struct pointer.

Getting Started

You should first download and expand the provided files:

tar xvf a1-provided.tar

You can also download these locally and then copy them to ilabusing scp: scp a1-provided.tar [email protected].edu:~/cs211 (assuming  you  have  a  cs211  directory  in  your  root directory). The SCP command must be initiated on your local terminal/command prompt.


ON THE ILAB. This is compulsory to ensure a standardized testing and grading environment for all students.

To compile the program, you should use gcc:

gcc a1.c -fsanitize=address -o a1

-fsanitize=address enables AddressSanitizer, a memory error detector that helps identify and diagnose memory-related issues like buffer overflows, and use-after-free errors. It is good     practice to compile your code with this.

And to run it you should:



ONLY SUBMIT a1.c to Canvas. It is important that you only upload the completed C file. We will not accept a tar, zip, etc.


Execution Samples

CS211> setup programmingLanguages 10

setup complete

CS211> insert programmingLanguages 1 C 1972 "Dennis Ritchie"

Procedural 8.2

insert complete

CS211> get programmingLanguages


1,C,1972,"Dennis Ritchie",Procedural,8.200000

CS211> insert programmingLanguages 2 Python 1991 "Guido van Rossum"

"Multi-paradigm" 9.5

insert complete

CS211> insert programmingLanguages 3 Java 1995 "James Gosling"

"Object-Oriented" 7.9

insert complete

CS211> insert programmingLanguages 4 JavaScript 1995 "Brendan Eich"

"Multi-paradigm" 8.7

insert complete

CS211> insert programmingLanguages 5 Ruby 1995 "Yukihiro Matsumoto"

"Multi-paradigm" 7.1

insert complete

CS211> get programmingLanguages


1,C,1972,"Dennis Ritchie",Procedural,8.200000

2,Python,1991,"Guido van Rossum","Multi-paradigm",9.500000

3,Java,1995,"James Gosling","Object-Oriented",7.900000

4,JavaScript,1995,"Brendan Eich","Multi-paradigm",8.700000

5,Ruby,1995,"Yukihiro Matsumoto","Multi-paradigm",7.100000

CS211> modify programmingLanguages 3 3 Java 1995 "AJ DiLeo"

"Object-Oriented" 8.7

modify complete

CS211> get programmingLanguages


1,C,1972,"Dennis Ritchie",Procedural,8.200000

2,Python,1991,"Guido van Rossum","Multi-paradigm",9.500000

3,Java,1995,"AJ DiLeo","Object-Oriented",8.700000

4,JavaScript,1995,"Brendan Eich","Multi-paradigm",8.700000

5,Ruby,1995,"Yukihiro Matsumoto","Multi-paradigm",7.100000

CS211> setup operatingSystems 5

setup complete

CS211> insert operatingSystems 1 Linux 1991 "Linus Torvalds"


insert complete

CS211> insert operatingSystems 2 Windows 1985 "Microsoft" Hybrid

insert complete

CS211> insert operatingSystems 3 macOS 2001 "Apple" Microkernel

insert complete

CS211> insert operatingSystems 4 FreeBSD 1993 "Various" Monolithic

insert complete

CS211> insert operatingSystems 5 Android 2008 "Google" Monolithic

insert complete

CS211> insert operatingSystems 6 "Windows Server 2019" 2018

"Microsoft" "Hybrid"

cannot insert due to insufficient capacity.

CS211> setup operatingSystems 5

setup complete

CS211> insert operatingSystems 1 Linux 1991 "Linus Torvalds"


insert complete

CS211> insert operatingSystems 2 Windows 1985 "Microsoft" Hybrid

insert complete

CS211> insert operatingSystems 3 macOS 2001 "Apple" Microkernel

insert complete

CS211> insert operatingSystems 4 FreeBSD&n