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CSE1IIT Web development Assignment (2023)


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CSE1IIT Web development Assignment (2023) Marking Scheme

(20 marks)

1. Every part of the Web site works (1)

2. Links

· All links work (relative referencing) (1)

· Providing at least one image that acts as a link to another page (1)

3. Effective Web page design

· Providing a good /appropriate heading (1)

· Use of List tag (1)

· Use of paragraph tag (1)

· Use of div tag (1)

· Using hyperlinks to point users to details and/or other Web pages (1)

· Page with good margins (1)

· Dividing the page into related sections (1)

· Easy navigation in general (1)

· Use of tables effectively and appropriately (1)

· Use of Style tag (1)

· Each page containing at least one of the images provided (1)

4. Quality content of the Web site

· Providing useful information for the audience (1)

· Information organized in a concise manner (1)

· Interesting site (especially the home page) that promotes the business or the image of the company/event (1)

5. Overall aesthetic content of the Web site

· Good blending of colour (1)

· Texts displayed clearly (1)

· Contents with appropriate amount of white spaces (1)

Point Deduction

1. Spelling mistake (1)

2. Less than 4 pages (1 mark deducted for each page not provided, eg 2 marks deducted for a Web site with only 2 pages)