关键词 > MKAN1-UC5103

MKAN1-UC 5103 Marketing Analytics


MKAN1-UC 5103 Marketing Analytics

MKAN1-UC 5103 050 | Fall 2023 | 9/6/2023 - 12/13/2023 | Credit (4)
Modality: Online Synchronous
Couse Site URL: https://brightspace.nyu.edu/

General Course Information:

Faculty name:
Dongnanzi (Janet) Zheng
Faculty NYU email address:
[email protected]
Fall 2023
Class Meeting Schedule:
Wednesdays from 6:20pm - 8:50pm.
Class Location:
Online via NYU Zoom
Office Hours:
Upon request, NYU Zoom, Appointments via email


Marketing is undergoing a data-driven transformation for developing strategies to acquire, manage, and retain business-to-business and business-to-customer relationships. Recent advancements in collecting, storing, and analyzing information have created new business opportunities for marketers tasked with strategic planning and execution responsibilities, resulting in significant awareness of the potential of marketing analytics. This course prepares students to turn business data into prescriptive recommendations for the marketing execution process.

Students will learn how to use SAS Enterprise Guide (analytic software technology) and will become comfortable with managing data, applying techniques to convert data into usable information, and analysis. An important consideration is students will learn how to apply analytic techniques to various business challenges. In addition, students will learn by doing: that is, guided by the instructorand using software and assigned readings/videos, they will take a hands-to-keys approach to developprescriptive recommendations for marketing and business.


  • MATH1-UC1172 Statistical Methods
  • MATH1-UC1171 Precalculus
  • ISMM1-UC0742 Business Intelligence

Learning Outcomes:

Students who successfully complete the course requirements should be able to:

- Manage data
• Data access
• Data cleansing
• Data preparation
- Apply techniques for converting data to information
• Data exploration
• Summarization
• Introductory visualization
- Analyze data
• Exploratory analytics
• Introductory predictive analytics
- Conduct marketing analytics related projects and reports
• Technical writing and reporting

Communication Methods:

All class work related communications must take place via the NYU Brightspace Assignments and Messaging system. Students must use the appropriate subject line related to the message in order to receive timely responses (within 1 to 3 business days).

Inquiries not related to class work should be sent via email to the professor using the NYU Email system. Communication inquires will be answered as soon as possible and prior to the start time ofthe next lecture.

If the inquiry is urgent, it must include the word URGENT in the subject line.


Please be sure to check the “Announcements” module within the course site. This will be the main method I communicate with the class other than the course site Messages. This is the best way to post time-sensitive information critical to your success within the course.

Information that I might send out would be:

● Due dates for assignments and projects

● Changes to your syllabus

● Corrections/clarifications of materials

● Exam schedules

● Tips on how to improve your course performance

Please be sure to contact me directly via the course site messages system should you have anyquestions regarding any announcement.3

Structure | Method | Modality:

  • Each session (except the first) will begin with a retrospective of the prior session. This will be followed by a lecture covering the weekly topic. The remainder of the class will consist ofan activity that shall reinforce and/or supplement the material covered during the lecture, when applicable.
  • Attendance is required.If for some reason you cannot attend a lecture you must notifythe professor via email 24 hours prior to the class session. If you miss more than 4 scheduled lectures sessions you will receive an automatic Fail for the course, unless there is prior approval by the professor.
  • Students must check NYU Brightspace within 24 and 48 hours after each lecture and atother times as requested.
  • The course site on the NYU Brightspace learning management system (in addition to your @nyu.edu e-mail address) will serve as an extension of our in-person activities. The most up-to-date version of the course syllabus, links to the readings that supplement the required textbook, as well as labs can be found on this site. It is your responsibility to check NYU Brightspace (and your email) daily and be aware of any announcements that are sent. Please attempt to use the discussion board to ask questions regarding assignments as your peersmay benefit from having access to this exchange. 
  • Students are expected to attend all sessions from start to finish. If you fail to come to a session, arrive more than 20 minutes into a session, leave more than 20 minutes prior to theend of class or leave class for any other purpose for more than 20 minutes you will be considered absent fo that class session.
  • Students are also expected to complete all assignments and to do so by the assigned due dates. The late policy is very simple, no assignments will be accepted after the duedate. Assignments must be submitted solely through the Assignments function on NYU Brightspace, unless instructed otherwise by the instructor.

Electronic Recording

To ensure a free and open exchange of ideas within the classroom, students may not at any timerecord lectures, discussions, and activities. 

Audio, video and/or screen recording is strictly prohibited.

Learning Modules/Units/Weeks/Chapters

This course is organized into a total of 15 units of instruction. Each may contain a combination of assigned readings, videos as applicable, narrated PowerPoint lectures, discussion assignments plus other lab work. Exam content will cover material from assigned readings and related coursework as noted on the related exams. Narrated PowerPoint lectures are designed to highlight major concepts,but do not replace reading assignments.

Discussion Forums

Discussions section in NYU Brightspace will be used actively. For the reading discussion you are tojoin with your team members to discuss assigned readings and complete related assignments. Everyone is accountable for the completing these assignments in a timely fashion. If someone in your group is unresponsive, you should contact them or me directly. The discussion objectives are outlined4 for each week in the Lessons area of the course environment. You are expected to reply to all discussions in a thoughtful and informed manner. If you are uncertain whether you should post a question or how to post, please contact me before doing so.


In this course you will discuss and understand how to conduct marketing analytics work using SAS.To foster comprehension, you will be asked throughout the semester to complete a number of activities to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and skills introduced. These activities, or labs, will be presented weekly in the class session material. Unless indicated otherwise in Weekly materials (lecture slides and other material posted under thecourse site), you will submit all coursework assigned to its respective assignments area within the course site:

  • Assignments are provided via NYU Brightspace and are due by the “Due date” noted on the assignment. No assignments or project work will be accepted if submitted past the due time (0 points) unless prior approval is provided via an NYU Brightspace message by the professor - no exceptions.
  • Assigned work must be submitted solely through the Assignments function on NYU Brightspace, unless instructed otherwise by the professor. Assignments submitted via other methods (e.g. email) will receive 0 points.
  • All submitted work is expected to be complete, labeled, of high quality and with proper citations and references.

Zoom Sessions

In addition to the learning activities noted above, if necessary, I will also hold Live Q&A sessionsusing Zoom during the semester at dates and times to be announced, if applicable. For more information about Zoom, visit NYU's Zoom homepage.


Learning Environment

You play an important role in creating and sustaining an intellectually rigorous and inclusive classroom culture. Respectful engagement, diverse thinking, and our lived experiences are central to this course, and enrich our learning community.


You are integral to the learning experience in this class. Be prepared to actively contribute to class activities, group discussions, and work outside of class.

Assignments and Deadlines

Please submit all assignments to the appropriate section of the course site in NYU Brightspace. and students are expected to check NYU Brightspace at the start of every week (Monday) to review the week’s assignments and work, and then throughout the week to complete the assignments. If you require assistance, please contact me BEFORE the due date.

Course Technology Use

We will utilize multiple technologies to achieve the course goals. I expect you to use technology in ways that enhance the learning environment for all students. 

Feedback and Viewing Grades

I will provide timely meaningful feedback on all your work via our course site in NYU Brightspace. You can access your grades on the course site Gradebook.


Class is offered online synchronously only. I expect you to attend all class sessions. Attendance will be taken into consideration when determining your final grade. Refer to the SPS Policies and Procedures page for additional information about attendance. Students who plan to miss classes for religious reasons are expected to inform instructors beforehand and to be responsible for assignments given during their absence. For university policieson religious holidays please check: https://www.nyu.edu/about/policies-guidelines-compliance/policies-and-guidelines/universitycalendar-policy-on-religious-holidays.html

Textbook and Course Materials:

The recommended texts for this course are:
1. Exploring Marketing Research, 11th EditionBarry
J. Babin; William G. Zikmund
ISBN-10: 1-305-26352-9
ISBN-13: 978-1-305-26352-9

2.Learning SAS by Example : A Programmer’s Guide, 2 nd Edition

Cody RP, SAS Institute. Cary,

N.C.: SAS Institute; 2018.

In addition, there will be a series of articles that will be assigned as required readings during theterm and will be available through NYU Brightspace. Additional reading material and practice exercises to be provided through slides, as appropriate. You are asked to complete assigned readings after the respective topics have been presented to solidify the material that was introduced.


We will use SAS OnDemand for Academics for this class. It will be announced in class sessionif any additional tools will/can be used.

Grading | Assessment:

Grading in this course is based upon the following activities and assignments. Since all graded assignments are related directly to course objectives, failure to complete any assignment will result in an unsatisfactory course grade. All written assignments are to be completed using APA format and must be typed and double-spaced. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling will be considered in grading. Please carefully proof-read your written assignments before submitting them for a grade.

I will update the online grades each time a grading session has been complete — typically 14 days following the completion of an activity. You will see a visual indication of new grades posted on your NYU Brightspace home page under the link to this course.

Class Participation + Discussion
Final Project + Presentation
Final Exam
Total Possible

Class Participation + Discussion (18% of final grade)

Participation is based on meaningful interaction in class and in the course discussion section and require reading assignments weekly for this synchronous course. It also means actively listening andbuilding on the questions and discussion points of your classmates.

You are expected to contribute productively and regularly to any classroom discussions and activities which will contribute 11% percent of your final course grade (with a maximum of 1% awarded for an individual class session). Note that participation will not be awarded for the first 2 class sessions (9/6/2023 & 9/13/2023) as some students may be joining the class during the drop add period. Participation will not be awarded on session 8 (10/25/2023) as it will be devoted to taking the midterm. Not showing up in class will receive 0 point unless you provide the medical proof.

You are also expected to contribute productively and regularly to any assigned course discussions and activities online which will contribute the rest 7% percent of your final course grade. Therewill be several discussions posted in the discussion section through NYU Brightspace (similar as forum) open and close in one week. You are responsible to participate in each of it before it closes to gain the participation score. Late participation will receive 0 points.
  • In discussion forums, you learn from one another by posing questions, justifying your comments, and providing multiple perspectives. When you prepare for discussions through thoughtful reflection, you contribute to your own successful learning experience as well as tothe experience of your peers.
  • Log in to the course frequently (at least several times per week for long semesters and dailyfor summer sessions) and check the announcements. This will keep you apprised of any course updates, progress in discussions, assignment information, and messages requiringimmediate attention.

Assignments (22% of final grade)

All students must complete all course assignments. You should come to each class session fully prepared, having read the assigned readings and completed the assignment(s), and actively engage inclass discussions.7

Assignments will be provided at each applicable lecture and are graded on a 100% or pass-fail scale as noted in the assignment. Specific assignment topics and submission details will be announced viathe NYU Brightspace Assignments tool. All assignments must be uploaded to the “Assignments” tool in NYU Brightspace. Assignments will not be accepted through email. Each assignment sub- folder will include the detailed assignment description and grading criteria/rubric. The number of assignments and their due dates are in the course outline that follows. Be sure to pay close attention to deadlines—there will be no make-up assignments or quizzes, or late work accepted without approval. If you will be unable to meet a certain assignment’s deadline, please email me as soon as possible. Late submission will receive 0 points.

Exams (Midterm 15% & Final Exam 20% of final grade)

Exams cover all course topics discussed up to and including the previous session, unless otherwisenoted in the guidelines provided prior to the exam.

There will be no make-up exams (you will receive 0 points) unless prior approval is provided by the professor for a serious documented reason (approval at the discretion of the professor).

Final Project + Presentation (25% of final grade)

You are expected to implement basic SAS coding you learnt from this course to complete a marketing analytics project and an in-class presentation at the end of the course. The project involves data preprocessing, visualization, descriptive analysis, basic predictive modeling and reporting in the marketing field. Specific guidelines and submission details will be announced via theNYU Brightspace Assignments tool. Late submission will receive 0 point.

Writing Expectations

All students must have adequate writing skills to communicate content in a professional and concise manner. Students must follow [APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.] guidelines, use non-racist and non-sexist language, and include sufficient references to support their thesis and ideas.

Academic writing may incorporate references to published work to support (or possibly counter) a statement or argument. When stating the ideas or using the words of others your work must always clearly reveal its source and the extent to which that source is being used in your work.

You should therefore include a “References” section at the end of the work that you are preparing and cite any sources. The style to be used for this course is that of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which is regarded in the United States of America as the pre-eminent professional body that deals with all aspects of information systems. The ACM is also well respected worldwide. Specifically usethe “Citation Style and Reference Formats” guidelines for authors which can be found online at: https://www.acm.org/publications/authors/reference-formatting .

Specifically use the “ACM Journals Word Style Guide” which can be found at:
User Manual ACM Windows MS Word Template ( https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/consolidated-textemplate/windows- user manual.pdf )

User Manual ACM MAC MS Word Template( https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/consolidated-textemplate/mac2016- user-manual.pdf )

Unless otherwise noted on the instructions for an assignment, use the “Large Format Single Column” template to provide you with a guide as to: font size, font style, margin width, etc.

Viewing Grades and Feedback

Grades and feedback that you receive for graded activities will be posted to the NYU Brightspace Gradebook and/or via a course site message. Click on the Gradebook link on the left navigation to view your grades and feedback. I will update the online grades each time a grading session has been completed—typically 14 following the completion of an activity. You will see a visual indication of new grades posted on your course home page.

See the “Grades” section of Academic Policies for the complete grading policy, including the letter grade conversion, and the criteria for a grade of incomplete, taking a course on a pass/fail basis, and withdrawing from a course.

Course Outline:

(The outline is subject to change based on the progress of the class. All the important due dates and contents, such as lab exercises and project details, will be provided via NYU Brightspace and discussed in class.)
Session 1, 9/6/2023

Introduction, Syllabus review, Marketing Analytics Introduction, SAS overview and installation

Session 2, 9/13/2023

Chapter 1 The Role of Marketing Research/Analytics

SAS - Introduction to SAS

Session 3, 9/20/2023

SAS - Working with Data in a Project
Assignment 1 Posted

Session 4, 9/27/2023

Chapter 3 Marketing Research/Analytics Process
Marketing Analytics Case Studies
SAS - Combining Data with Queries
Assignment 2 Posted

Session 5, 10/4/2023

Chapter 2 Harnessing Big Data into Better Decisions Chapter 6 Secondary Data Research in a Digital Age
Marketing Analytics Video and Discussion – Big Data for Marketing
SAS - Transforming Data
Assignment 3 Posted

Session 6, 10/11/2023

Chapter 13 Big Data Basics: Describing Samples and Populations
SAS - Exploring Data with Tasks
Assignment 4 Posted

Session 7, 10/18/2023

Midterm preparation review topics and discussion
Good and bad data visualization examples and discussion
SAS - Visualizing Data
Assignment 5 Posted

Session 8, 10/25/2023, Midterm Exam

Final Project Posted

Session 9, 11/1/2023

Feedback on midterm to students
Chapter 14 Basic Data Analysis
Chapter 15 Testing for Differences Between Groups and for Predictive Relationships
SAS - Performing Statistical Analyses with Marketing Analytics Tasks I

Session 10, 11/8/2023, Final Project Proposal Due by 6 pm

TBD - Tech Talk Workshop in Analytics – Learn how to present your analytics work
Session 11, 11/15/2023
Feedback on project proposal to students
Discussion on Critique of Tech Talk
Chapter 15 Testing for Differences Between Groups and for Predictive Relationships
Chapter 18 Advanced Topics in Linear Analytics
SAS - Performing Statistical Analyses with Marketing Analytics Tasks II

11/22/2023 Fall Break No Class

Session 12, 11/29/2023

Academic Citation Format/Discussion
Topics in Marketing Analytics presentation, Analytics Research Project Sample/Discussion
Chapter 16 Communicating Marketing Research/Analysis Results10
SAS – Other advanced topics in marketing analytics

Session 13, 12/6/2023 Final Project Presentations Slides Due by 6 pm

Final Project Presentations with Q & A
SAS Visual Analytics Introduction

Session 14, 12/13/2023

Course Review – key topics, Q & A
SAS – Other advanced topics in marketing analytics


(TBD) On Wednesday, December 20th, 2023 from 6:20pm-8:10pm we will have our Final
Final Project Due by 6 pm

The syllabus may be modified to better meet the needs of students and to achieve the learning outcomes.

The School of Professional Studies (SPS) and its faculty celebrate and are committed to inclusion, diversity, belonging, equity, and accessibility (IDBEA), and seek to embody the IDBEA values. The School of Professional Studies (SPS), its faculty, staff, and students are committed to creating a mutually respectful and safe environment (from the SPS IDBEA Committee). 

New York University School of Professional Studies Policies
1. Policies - You are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with University Policies and

Guidelines, NYU SPS Policies and Procedures, and Student Affairs and Reporting.

2. Learning/Academic Accommodations - New York University is committed to providing equal educationalopportunity and participation for students who disclose their dis/ability to the Moses Center for Student Accessibility. If you are interested in applying for academic accommodations, contact the Moses Center asearly as possible in the semester. If you already receive accommodations through the Moses Center, request your accommodation letters through the Moses Center Portal as soon as possible ([email protected] | 212- 998-4980).

3. Health and Wellness - To access the University's extensive health and mental health resources, contact the NYU Wellness Exchange. You can call its private hotline (212-443-9999), available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to reach out to a professional who can help to address day-to-day challenges as wellas other health-related concerns.

4. Student Support Resources - There are a range of resources at SPS and NYU to support your learning and professional growth. For a complete list of resources and services available to SPS students, visit the NYU SPS Office of Student Affairs site.

5. Religious Observance - As a nonsectarian, inclusive institution, NYU policy permits members of any religious group to absent themselves from classes without penalty when required for compliance with their religious obligations. Refer to the University Calendar Policy on Religious Holidays for the complete policy.

6. Academic Integrity and Plagiarism - You are expected to be honest and ethical in all academic work.

Moreover, you are expected to demonstrate how what you have learned incorporates an understanding of the research and expertise of scholars and other appropriate experts; and thus recognizing others' published work or teachings—whether that of authors, lecturers, or one's peers—is a required practice in all academic projects.

Plagiarism involves borrowing or using information from other sources without proper and full credit. You are subject to disciplinary actions for the following offenses which include but are not limited to cheating, plagiarism, forgery or unauthorized use of documents, and false form of identification 

Turnitin, an originality detection service in NYU Brightspace, may be used in this course to check your work for plagiarism.

Read more about academic integrity policies at the NYU School of Professional Studies on the Academic Policies for NYU SPS Students page.

7. Use of Third-Party Tools - During this class, you may be required to use non-NYU apps/platforms/software as a part of course studies, and thus, will be required to agree to the “Terms of Use” (TOU) associated with such apps/platforms/software.

These services may require you to create an account but you can use a pseudonym (which may not identify you to the public community, but which may still identify you by IP address to the company and companies with whom it shares data).

You should carefully read those terms of use regarding the impact on your privacy rights and intellectual property rights. If you have any questions regarding those terms of use or the impact on the class, you are encouraged to ask the instructor prior to the add/drop deadline.