关键词 > EEEN40580

EEEN40580-Optimisation Techniques For Engineers


EEEN40580-Optimisation Techniques For Engineers -2023/24 Autumn

Assignment 1

Due date: 22nd Oct 2023

  • For the problems that require numerical values for the parameters α and b, consider the last two digits of your student number. b is the last one. If your Student Number is 123456754, then α = 5 and b= 4. Specify your α and b at the beginning of your report.
  • Submit your assignment via Brightspace Only! Submitting the report after the deadline is considered a late submission. Late submissions will be identified by Brightspace. UCD regulations will be applied to those submissions.
  • The cover sheet of your report must contain a signed declaration that the work is your own and that you have read and understood the University policy on plagiarism. Not submitting this form means that your report won’t be graded. Submitting this form after the deadline will be regarded as a late submission.
  • You are allowed to submit multiple submissions but only one PDF + codes (only the latest ones will be kept and considered for evaluation). Use a word processor (MS Word, Latex, ...). Hand-written reports will get a max of 50% of the grade.
  • This is an individual assignment.

Submission of report mut be named:


Further code file names for submissions will be advised in the text.

1. Confirm you have read the first page of the report and understand it (2 points).

2. Solve the following problem for cases A and B below (18 points)

Max 3x1 + 7x2
2x1 + 4x2 28
4x1 + 2x2 36
3x1 - 6x2 18
x1, x2 0

A) Assume x1 and x2 are real-valued and solve the problem using the graphical method.

- Write the problem in code to verify your results 


B) Assume x1 and x2 are integers and solve the problem using Branch and Bound method.

- Report should contain graphical representation of process and solution

- Write the code used to solve the problem


3. Linear Program Formula2ng and Solving (20 points)

Consider the following table indicaKng the nutriKonal value of different food types: