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Assignment - Exploring the Bias-Variance Tradeoff with Lasso


Assignment - Exploring the Bias-Variance Tradeoff with Lasso

You name and BUID (5 points)




The purpose of this assignment is to explore the bias-variance trade-off while practicing your Pandas, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, and IPython Notebook skills.

The deliverable for this assignment is (1) this notebook, (2) a PDF file that you will produce by converting your notebook to html and then printing the html page. Your notebook should contain all the code you used to generate your results – show your work and explain what your code is doing while being as concise and brief as you can. Submit your PDF file on the course page.

I provide a template to get you started. It loads and pre-processes the data, and provides a skeleton for other things you need to do. Do not change the definition of the train/test data – use it as it stands.

To complete this assignment, you will need to use Scikit-learn's Lasso() model to fit a number of Lasso regressions to a CA housing dataset. Each Lasso will be fit using a different value of