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25300 Fundamentals of Business Finance – Assignment


25300 Fundamentals of Business Finance – Assignment

# Assignment instructions

Please read the following information carefully:
1) Due date and time: 11pm on 15 October 2023.
2) Weight: 20% of total grade.
3) Teams:
• You can have an assignment team of:
    •  1 student, which means you do the assignment by yourself. 
    • OR,
    • 2 to 8 students, which means you do the assignment in a team of students.

• You are responsible for forming groups. You will not be allocated into a group.

• Teams may consist of members from different workshops or tutorials.

• We encourage you to form teams consisting of 2 to 8 students as you will develop skills that are important to your professional life, and your assignment submission is likely to be stronger as it considers input from different students in your team.

• All team members receive the same assignment mark. Teaching staff are unable to award team members different marks in the event a team has a ‘free-rider’. Therefore, you should give considerable thought into selecting team members. In the event of a conflict within the group, it is your group’s responsibility to resolve the issue respectfully and maturely. In severe situations please contact the subject coordinator. For more information on working in groups: https://www.uts.edu.au/current-students/support/helps/self-help-resources/group-work

4) Preformatted blank excel spreadsheet:
• You must record your answers in the provided blank excel spreadsheet (available on Canvas). This spreadsheet is protected which means that only a restricted number of cells can be used. All of your inputs into the spreadsheet should be using Arial font and size 8 text, this ensures that your inputs are not converted to ######. Your answers will be converted to ###### if your cash flow/value is greater than 99,999,999,999 (Hint: none of your cash flows/values for Q1-3 in your solution should be that large). The cells you cannot use are coloured grey. This preformatted spreadsheet is designed in such a way to speed up the marking process.
• For Q1 to 3 enter the cash flow description and the dollar amount in the appropriate cells. Use whole dollars only and ignore cents. There are more rows than are required so if you’ve used all of the rows then it means you’ve got too many cash flow items. We want to be able to easily identify each cash flow. Here is an example of how to report cash flows over the life of the project:
• Q4, Q5, Q6, and Q7 can be answered using the vacant cells provided. Please be succinct when answering these questions.
• The student number and name of all group members must be entered into the relevant section of the spreadsheet. You must also nominate one team member as the team leader and supply their tutorial details in the corresponding fields of the spreadsheet.
• In your solution please do not simply type your answer into the spreadsheet. Where appropriate you should use Excel functions/formulas within the spreadsheet, this way we can work out what calculations you have done. Long story short, if we cannot understand how you got your answers then you increase your chances of losing marks.
5) Submission:
• Please save your spreadsheet file with its original “.xlsx” extension. Do not save the spreadsheet in any other format other than “.xlsx” as we are unable to open non-EXCEL file extensions from Canvas. Users of Apple’s Numbers spreadsheet or other programs, you have been warned.
• You can submit your assignment in Canvas via the “Assignments” navigation tab, and within the “Assignment Information” page. Only one person from the team should submit the assignment (i.e., the team leader). You can submit multiple times but we mark the most recent submission only. Only .xlsx file extensions can be submitted. When submitting your assignment please do the following:
1) Click the “Choose file” button to upload your completed EXCEL spreadsheet.
2) In the “Comments…” section please type the student names and student numbers of all members in your assignment team.
3) Click the blue “Submit Assignment” button to submit your assignment.