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Math 1271 Fall 2023 Midterm Exam 1


Math 1271 
Fall 2023
Midterm Exam 1
Wednesday October 11
Due at 10pm Wednesday Ocotboer 11

You are required to show your work on each problem on this exam. Each question is graded on both explanation and correctness. A correct answer, unsupported by calculations, explanation, or algebraic work will receive no credit; an incorrect answer supported by substantially correct calculations and explanations might receive partial credit.

You have 24 hours to work on and submit responses to the exam questions in this pdf. You may print the questions, write electronically on this pdf, or use a blank piece of paper to write your responses. Submit to Gradescope.

You may use your notes, the class textbook, and a calculator on this exam. You may not discuss the exam with any other person, including classmates and tutoring websites. Explanations are equally as important as the correct answers. Mysterious or unsupported answers will not receive much credit. University of Minnesota takes academic dishonesty seriously, and I reserve the right to contact you after you have submitted your exam if your work seems unsupported.
1. Suppose f(x) = √ x + 3 and consider the point a = 2.

(a) (15 points) Using the limit definition of the derivative, compute f ′ (a).

(b) (5 points) Find the equation of the tangent line at x = a.Math 1271 

2. (20 points) Consider the following piecewise defined function f(x) that is drawn below: