关键词 > Anthro1027a

Introduction to Linguistics Anthro1027a Fall 2023


Introduction to Linguistics
Anthro1027a Fall 2023

Homework Assignment 1

Name: ______________________

Academic Integrity Pledge

Before you proceed with the assignment, read the following description.

This Homework Assignment is NOT a research assignment.

The tasks given in this assignment are based on what was learned throughout the course so far and requires you to apply the knowledge learned throughout the course so far including the week of the assignment. If some instructions are not clear, please ask your instructor.

• You are NOT allowed to obtain aid from your classmates or anyone else outside of class.

• You are NOT allowed to use Google, Youtube, or any language processing model (such as ChatGPT) capable of producing answers for you.

• You are NOT allowed to disclose your answers to your classmates orally or in writing in any form. This is considered an academic offence. This includes the class discussion platform, email and any private/public group/individual chats.

• You can ask questions with regards to the instructions, clarifications on the Discussion Board and ask your instructor/TAs by email AND ask for guidance, but you may NOT ask or share the answer(s) to the Homework Assignment question(s) that you or someone else gave.

Before you submit your assignment, you must agree with the following (tick all the boxes).

Please circle the answers to the following questions:

Yes/No - I have not disclosed my answers in any way to my classmates.

Yes/No - I have not used ChatGPT or any similar model to complete this assignment.

Yes/No - I have not used Google, Youtube or any other search engine to do this assignment.

Yes/No - I have not requested answers from my classmates.

Yes/No – I have not used a tutor to help me complete this assignment.

Yes/No - I have only asked for clarification and/or guidance from the instructors or my classmates.2

Submission Details:

• Your file should be named: HW1_LastName. For example, HW1_Smith.
• You will need to submit your document as ONE pdf.
• Make sure your writing is neat; illegible assignments will not be marked.
• Electronic attachments must be all in one document and not attached as separate images/files.
• Failure to follow these submission requirements will result in our refusal to accept your assignment.
Please write neatly. Then, scan your homework assignment and upload it as ONE pdf document. If you need to complete it on the computer (please email the instructor with this request).
1. Write the phonetic description of the each of the following IPA symbols. The list includes English and Non-English sounds. Use the full IPA chart for your descriptions. (4 marks)
a. [ð] _______________________________________________________________________
b. [ɔ] _______________________________________________________________________
c. [ɳ] _______________________________________________________________________
d. [ɛ]_______________________________________________________________________
e. [ʊ] _______________________________________________________________________
f. [ph ] _______________________________________________________________________
g. [ɤ]_______________________________________________________________________
h. [ɨ] _______________________________________________________________________
2. Write the IPA symbol for each of the following phonetic descriptions. Use the full IPA chart as the list contains Non-English sounds. (4 marks)
a. voiced palatal approximant____________ e. Close-mid back rounded tense _______________
b. high front round tense _______________ f. voiceless bilabial fricative __________________
c. voiced alveolar nasal ________________ g. back open lax unrounded nasal ______________
d. voiceless glottal stop ________________ h. voiceless interdental fricative _______________
3. Circle the sound that doesn’t belong and name the category of the remaining group of sounds.(4 marks)
a. [ʧ s h ʃ] __________________________________

b. [e o i ɛ] __________________________________ 

c. [m n l d]__________________________________

d. [ʒ ɸ θ h] __________________________________

4. Give the IPA symbol for the last sound in each of the following words. (4 marks)
a. chickenpox _______________________ e. sofa ___________________________________
b. kissed ___________________________ f. measure ________________________________
c. bathe ___________________________ g. clothes _________________________________
d. laugh ____________________________ h. holiday _________________________________
5. Transcribe the following words using the IPA. (4 marks)
a. mistakes __________________________ c. thorough ________________________________
b. texts _____________________________ d. Tuesday ______________________________
6. Spell the following words from the IPA transcription. (2 marks)
a. [‘bɑjsɪkəl] _________________________ c. [ʧɑkləɾi]________________________________
b. [‘ɑfn] _____________________________ d. [ʌn’θɪŋkəbl] ____________________________
7. What is this sentence? (2 marks)
8. Transcribe this sentence using IPA. (3 marks)
He whistled while he walked to work yesterday.
9. Draw the syllable trees, representing each of the following words. Remember to transcribe them phonetically, mark stress and aspiration (whenever relevant) and syllable boundaries. (8 marks))

10. Consider these data from a dialect of a language ([x] is a velar fricative, [ç] is a palatal fricative). (3 marks)

a. Are [x] and [ç] allophones of the same phoneme, or is each an allophone of a separate phoneme? Give your reasons. (2 marks)

b. If you conclude that they are allophones of one phoneme, state the rule that can derive the phonetic allophones. If not, restate that they are phonemes here. (1 mark)

11. Consider these data from a world language. (7 marks)