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Accounting Information Systems


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Accounting Information Systems

Guidelines for Group Project

(version 2023.09.07)

1. Critical success factors for a Group Project

A good team is one in which every member has a role to play.

Brainstorming is helpful in deriving something innovative and creative.

It is important you enjoy the process of group work on the project while learning something new by yourselves!

2. Topic Identification

This project aims to design a system for a business organization. Example systems include but are not restricted to the following.

Sales System (SS). Purchase System (PS). Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Supply Chain Management (SCM) system.

Human Resource Management (HRM) system. Accounting Information Systems (AIS).

A combination of systems, for example, SS + AIS, or PS + AIS.

A system is of a business purpose for an organization.

Contents to submit should include:

1. The name of your system

2. A brief discussion on the purpose of your system

3. A brief discussion on the functionalities of your system

One representative submits this assignment in a Microsoft Word file.

3. Our Expectations

1. This project expects you to integrate the knowledge you acquired from different chapters of the AIS course into the project. It is assumed that you take the roles of business analyst and system analyst.

2. This project is to facilitate you with some practical experience in writing a system proposal and implementing a system through the system development life cycle (SDLC) of software engineering and project management.

3. This project does not expect a fully developed system and it is impossible for you to do so at this stage. Actual programming codes for functionalities are not required. However, you may add some codes or criteria for input checking in a form and transition between forms (i.e. in the user interface).

4. You should include system security features and internal control (e.g. business rules) features in your design.

5. You may refer to Chapter 18 which introduces each phase in the systems development life cycle (SDLC). Your proposal should cover the planning, analysis, and design phases. The implementation phase should additionally be included in your project report.