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This assessment is designed to assess your understanding of variables, constants, types, operators, input/output, loops, if statements, classes, objects, methods and file I/O.


Create a Java application that calculate, displays, manage, and report membership fees for N members who registered for membership from a sport centre based in Sydney, Australia.
Length of Membership
Rate (including tax)
1-6 months
$30.0 per month
6-12 months
$27.5 per month
More than 12 months
$25.0 per month

Specific Requirements

  • The application should have an interactive text-based menu, allowing the user to add new a member details, query and delete a member based on name or name & birthdate, display list of members, save the member list into a file and exit the application
  • When the user selects add new member:
    • The application should ask the user to enter the member name, email, birthdate, the number of months for membership, and yes or no to indicate whether the customer receives a special offer or not. The special offer will give customers a 15% discount of the membership no matter how many months they register.o Assume that the number of month to be entered is an integer type with the range between 1 and 60. An error message should be issued if a user enters a value beyond this range and the re-entering is required.
    • You application should ensure the user enter “yes” or “no” only for special offer. An error message should be issued otherwise and the re-entering is required.
    • Name is in the form of a string of forename(s) and surname, all on one line; and the name cannot include numeric or punctuation characters. An error message should be issued otherwise and the re-entering is required.
    • Birthday is in form of dd-mm-yyyy (leading zero in day or month may be omitted, i.e., both 05-04-2012 and 5-4-2013 are valid). An error message should be issued otherwise and the re-entering is required. e-mail which must be a valid e-mail address, e.g., a string with alphabetic, numeric and punctuation characters and an "at" (@) symbol inside and with no gaps, such as: [email protected]. An error message should be issued otherwise and the reentering is required.
    • If both person name and birthday are identical to those of an existing record in your array list, then error message should be displayed.
    • Once is added, the program makes a calculation of membership and displays the result of membership cost.
  • When the user selects display list of members:
    • Your program will all member details plus the information that includes the member spending most, the member spending least and display how many members with the number of months are less than 6 months and greater than/equal 6 months.
  • When the user selects query a member:
    • You need to display the member detail including the membership cost
  • When the user selects delete a member:
    • You need to delete this member from your list.
  • When the user selects Exit,
    • you need to save the data in your array list to a file.

Submission Requirements

You are required to submit two files:
1.Your application project packed as a single zip file.
2. A user manual document to show how your program works, provide screenshot and test cases for all different types of error messages. Document should be submitted in Word format. (The document and the project should be submitted separately. Do not zip the document)

Assessment Criteria

Your assignment will be marked based on the specified functionalities, use of loops and If statements, the use of classes and objects, use of array list, input and output functionality and validations, user friendly features and report presentation.
Total marks
Allocated marks
1) All the classes needed and their responsibilities.
2) The fields, constructors, getters and setters

A user manual document to show how your program works, provide screenshot and test cases for all different types of error messages.

• Validate Email
• Validate Birthday
• Validate Name
• Validate Months.
• Validate Special offers
• Check existing records
• Contact added correctly

• Delete by name
• Delete by name and birthday

• Query by name
• Query by name and birthday


Save the results on a file
• Display thee list of members to the console including the member spending most, the member spending least and display how many members with the number of months are less than 6 months and greater than/equal 6 months.

Standard of coding