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ELEC373 Module: 202324-ELEC373 - Digital System Design


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About the ELEC373 Module: 202324-ELEC373 - Digital System Design

Module Aims

To provide students with the ability to:
  • Design and synthesise digital systems using Verilog and ASM.
  • Understand the problems of meta-stability in digital systems.
  • Design microprocessors using ASM techniques.
  • Develop and test customised NIOS II systems using Altera's System on a Programmable Chip (SOPC) builder tool and Software Build Tools (SBT).
  • Create testing strategies for testing combinational and sequential circuits.


Section 1 - Verilog

  • Introducing Verilog for logic design and the required software and hardware tools for the assignments.
  • RTL Modelling - Explains Verilog's expressions, operators and continuous assignment for combinational and sequential circuits.
  • Behavioural Modelling - Explains the always and initial procedures, blocking and nonblocking procedural statements.
  • Algorithmic State Machine (ASM): Counters and Registers.
  • Sequential Circuits Examples.
  • Metastability and Synchronisers.
  • ASMD charts and Multipliers.
  • Tasks, Functions and Synthesis Tips.

Section 2 - MIPS Processor

  • Single-Cycle MIPS Processor Datapath and Control.
  • Multicycle MIPS Processor Datapath and Control.
  • Pipelined MIPS Processor.2023/10/10 11:00

Section 3 - NIOS II Processor

  • System on a Programmable Chip (SOPC) using NIOS-II.

Section 4 - Hardware Testing

  • Hardware testing and Design for Testability.


  • Assignment 1 - Digital Design (15%) Date: TBC
  • Assignment 2 - Digital Design (Expanding Assignment 1) (25%) Date: TBC
  • Assignment 3 - MIPS Design (20%) Date: TBC
  • Assignment 4 - NIOS II Design (20%) Date: TBC
  • Class Test 1 - Verilog (open book) (10%) Date: TBC
  • Class Test 1 - Verilog + Hardware Testing (open book) (10%) Date: TBC