关键词 > COMP5120/6120DatabaseSystemsI

COMP 5120/6120 Database Systems I


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COMP 5120/6120 Database Systems I
Term Project: Populating and Querying Databases with SQL
Spring 2023
Due: 11:50pm, Oct. 28, 2023

1. Project Description

In this project, you are to create a database for a hypothetical online bookstore system The system maintains information about books, subjects, supplier, and shippers. Thebookstore acquires the desired books from suppliers (e.g. Amazon.com), and ships thebooks by shippers (e.g. UPS). The system also keeps track of orders, customers, andemployees.
Your tasks are the following:

1. Create and populate the bookstore database with MySQL.

2. Create a user interface using PHP and HTML to query and modify the data.

3. Write correct SQL statements for the queries given.

2. Access to PHP and MySQL

All Auburn students have a personal space on the university web server (Mallard), which has PHP support. You will need to upload your project PHP files to the web server for the grader to access them. For more information about accessing the web space, visit OIT


Students may request to have a database created on MySQL server maintained by OIT.

Details are found athttps://cws.auburn.edu/oit/database/mySQL/Create .

Note that the request takes at least two days for the OIT to approve. Request this as soon as possible when you are starting this project. If there is a problem with the requests, e- mail the OIT Office Mark Bransby:[email protected].

AU Global Protect VPN is required for MySQL Workbench and Win SCP to connect to the web space and database.

For AU Global Protect VPN, visit:https://libguides.auburn.edu/vpn .

3. Populating the Database (20 points)

Create the following tables for the bookstore database and populate the database from the data.zip. You may optionally first create your user interface and populate the database through your interface.

4. Interface Implementation (30 points)

Implement an interface by using PHP and HTML. A simple example is as shown in the following figure, which includes a text box to accept a SQL statement and then submit it to the MySQL database.

Interface Requirements:

1. Your interface should not accept SQL DROP statements.

2. For any other SQL statements, your interface should not only accept it, but also return the execution result. For example, a select statement will return the query results (including the attribute name for each column) and the number of rows retrieved. A create/delete/update/insert statement will display "Table Created/Updated", "Row Inserted" or "Row(s) Deleted" messages on your interface.

3. An error message should be displayed if an incorrect SQL statement was submitted.

4. You should also have a title for this interface, indicating your name.

5. Execution of SQL queries (50 points)

First, you need to write the SQL statements for the following queries. Then, you submit each of them through your interface to get the correct result.

1. Show the subject names of books supplied by *supplier2*.
2. Show the name and price ofthe most expensive book supplied by *supplier3*.
3. Show the unique names of all books ordered by *lastname1 firstname1*.
4. Show the title of books which have more than 10 units in stock.
5. Show the total price *lastname1 firstname1* has paid for the books.
6. Show the names ofthe customers who have paid less than $80 in totals.
7. Show the name of books supplied by *supplier2*.
8. Show the total price each customer paid and their names. List the result in descending price.
9. Show the names of all the books shipped on 08/04/2016 and their shippers'names.
10. Show the unique names of all the books *lastname1 firstname1* and *lastname4 firstname4* *both* ordered.
11. Show the names of all the books *lastname6 firstname6* was responsible for.
12. Show the names of all the ordered books and their total quantities. List the result in ascending quantity.
13. Show the names ofthe customers who ordered at least 2 books.
14. Show the name ofthe customers who have ordered at least a book in *category3* or *category4* and the book names.
15. Show the name ofthe customer who has ordered at least one book written by *author1*.
16. Show the name and total sale (price of orders) of each employee.
17. Show the book names and theirrespective quantities for open orders (the orders which have not been shipped) at midnight 08/04/2016.
18. Show the names of customers who have ordered more than 1 book and the corresponding quantities. List the result in the descending quantity.
19. Show the names of customers who have ordered more than 3 books and theirrespective telephone numbers.

6. Materials to Hand In

Please submit the following in a zip file named YourAuburnUsername.zip to canvas with the subject COMP5120/6120 Term Project by deadline.

1. URL of your PHP/HTML interface in a file named url.txt. Please make sure the interface can be used to query the database. The TA will use the interface to verify that the database has been populated with correct schema and data.

2. Your code organized in src/ folder for implementing the interface. This folder includes the index.php file and other files of your website.

3. The execution of SQL queries in sql.txt. Please have queries numbered and in the same order as queries given.

7.Tips:LogintoMySQL serverwith MySQL Workbench8.0

1. Connect to AU Global Protect VPN