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MKAN1-UC 5103 Marketing Analytics Fall 2023 HW2


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MKAN1-UC 5103 Marketing Analytics Fall 2023 HW2


• Go to SAS Studio 3.8 User’s Guide website
• Find SAS Studio Task Reference – Data Tasks
• Find the following eight tasks in Data Tasks:
1) Filter Data 
2) Rank Data
3) Transform Data
4) Combine Tables
5) Characterize Data
6) Describe Missing Data
7) Select Random Sample
8) Sort Data
• (5 points) Read the eight tasks carefully and follow the instruction on the website to conduct the example under each task. Copy and paste the syntax (which is generated automatically during point-and click) for all the tasks into ONE SAS file called "YourLastName_HW2"
• Submit that file under Assignments as your answer to HW2
• (5 points) Start your SAS file with this header by using SAS comments syntax:
  • Course Name - Semester Year
  • Your name
  • HW2 - date and time you complete the assignment
• (5 points) Start your answer to each question below with the Question # by using SAS comments syntax
• (5 points) Keep your syntax in a clear format


1. (10 points) [Filter Data]

a. Example 1: Creating a Simple Filter

b. Example 2: Creating a Compound Filter

2. (10 points) [Rank Data] Example: Ranking Students by Height within Age

3. (10 points) [Transform Data] Example: Transforming the Data in the BASEBALL Data Set

4. (10 points) [Combine Tables] Combine Tables: Example

5. (10 points) [Characterize Data] Example: Characterize Data Task

6. (10 points) [Describe Missing Data] Example: Describing Missing Data for SASHELP.BASEBALL

7. (10 points) [Select Random Sample] Example: Creating a Random Sample of the Sashelp.Pricedata Data Set

8. (10 points) [Sort Data] Sort the SASHELP.CLASS Data Set by Sex and Age


This is a 100-point assignment. You need to submit your answer by the due time, answer satisfactorily all points in each question and follow these instructions fully. Late submissions will receive automatic 0 point.

This is an individual assignment. Any teamwork found will receive automatic 0 point.