关键词 > ELEC9711HighVoltageSystems

ELEC9711 Assignment 1


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ELEC9711 Assignment 1

due Friday, week 4, 3pm

John Fletcher
3 August 2023
You are required to submit this assignment for ELEC9711. The mark from this assignment will contribute to 10% of your final class mark. You are expected to submit this hand-in assignment using a PDF file via the Assignment 1 link on the ELEC9711 Moodle page before 3 pm on the Friday of week 4 T3 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted. You must include a signed cover sheet declaring that the work submitted is your own work and this must be the first page of the assignment: it is available on the OpenLearning site alongside this assignment.


The circuit above is a 4th order dc-dc converter with a buck-boost transfer function and an inverted output voltage, Vo.The design of the circuit must satisfy the following specifications:

(a) Calculate the maximum and minimum modulation index required, Dmax and Dmin, given the stated potential variation in the input voltage. [1 mark]

(b) Determine the inductances of the circuit (L1, L2) showing that the chosen values of the circuit parameters will satisfy the specification. [Typically, you should sketch the waveforms over one switching cycle to evidence meeting the specification.][3 marks]

(c) Determine the capacitances of the circuit (C1, C) showing that the chosen values of the circuit parameters will satisfy the specification. [Typically, you should sketch the waveforms over one switching cycle to evidence meeting the specification.] [3 marks]

(d) Calculate the highest peak voltage and peak current in each circuit element including the switch, T, and diode, D, for the parameter values that you calculated in (a-c). [3 marks]

You must show any workings and state assumptions made at any stage of the calculations.