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2023 CSE1IIT Web Development Assignment


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2023 CSE1IIT Web Development Assignment

20% of the 100 marks for the subject




· To develop a website using HTML.

· To understand HTML at the raw code level.

· To develop an understanding of website design


Late Submission


Delays caused by computer downtime cannot be accepted as a valid reason for a late submission without penalty. Students must plan their work to allow for both scheduled and unscheduled downtime.


Late submissions will incur a 5% penalty for each day that it is late. Assignments will NOT be accepted after 5 days past the due date.


Copying, Plagiarism


This is an individual assignment. You are explicitly instructed not to work in groups.

Plagiarism is the submission of somebody else’s work in a manner that gives the impression that the work is your own. For individual assignments, plagiarism includes the case where two or more students work collaboratively on the assignment. The Department of Computer Science and IT treats plagiarism very seriously. When it is detected, penalties are strictly imposed.

Problem Description


The Victorian Branch of InfoSysAnalysis is holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the grounds of La Trobe University. They have employed you to develop the web site that will be used to advertise the meeting and provide information about the Campus, facilities, and local entertainments available to delegates. 


Delegates will also need formation about travel and parking.


Website Content and Design Requirements:


InfoSysAnalysis has provided you with a set of images that may be used on the web site, which can be found in the file images.zip in the folder “Files for the Assignment”. Each of these images shows a place of interest about the Campus and surrounds. You are to find out more information about La Trobe Local gardens, art galleries and other facilities and provide altogether 200-400 words describing the contents of all your pages. The images are to be used to indicate the type of place rather than specific detail about a place.


Pls design a Web site to promote this AGM for InfoSysAnalysis.


Assignment (Website) Technical RESTRICTIONS


You MUST not use any Wed editor which automatically generates HTML codes for you; the detection of such use will result in MASSIVE penalties.


Assignment (Website) Technical REQUIREMENTS


1. Pls provide 4 HTML pages: a homepage and 3 content pages. Each of these pages will be contained in a separate file. Your main (starting) page MUST be called index.html.

2. The formatting of your website should be controlled by a style sheet.

3. All the pages should be linked together, starting from the main page (index.html). This means that a user should be able to get to any of the content pages by clicking on links on the main HTML page.

4. Pls write the HTML codes for all the 4 Web pages.

5. The content of your interface and entire website must be suitable for viewing by users of all ages. 

6. Pls give proper references (citations) for any material that you copy

7. If you copy any text, you must use quotation marks and links to your references.

8. You should not make any spelling mistakes in the text or the graphics.

9. There will be NO absolute links such as Z:\\fnerk\\assign1\\galley.html

10. Your web-site should demonstrate the following HTML elements:

· Lists,

· Tables,

· Images, and

· Effective use of the ‘A’ tag.