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PP5904 Research Methods in International Affairs


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PP5904 Research Methods in International Affairs
Data Assignment 1
Assigned on: 22 September 2023


Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) are a research dataset summarizing the views on the quality of governance provided by a large number of enterprise, citizen and expert survey respondents in industrial and developing countries.  The dataset measures
governance indicators from 1996-2021 across 6 dimensions:
• Voice and Accountability
• Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism
• Government Effectiveness
• Regulatory Quality
• Rule of Law
• Control of Corruption
Using the dataset, use R to interpret the effect of Control of Corruption and Political Stability on GDP per capita across countries in Asia.


• Download the WGI.csv dataset from the Assignment Folder in Canvas. An .R file with the questions in this assignment is also available on Canvas. You may use it as a template for your R script in this assignment.
• Produce a report answering the questions below. Your report must be submitted in PDF format via Canvas by 11:59pm, 29 September 2023. Please name your file in the following manner “FirstName _A0123456B.pdf” (matriculation number followed by your first name).
• You are to use R to produce the graphs and answers required in this report. Together with your report, you will submit the R script via Canvas using the filename “FirstName_A0123456B.R”.

• Submit both your answers in .pdf and your R script in .r formats to the assignment created on Canvas. 


1. Load the World Governance Indicators dataset and assign it to an object named "WGI". How many observations are in this dataset? How many countries are included in this dataset? [1 point]

2. For the rest of this assignment, we will focus on countries in the "East Asia & Pacific" region. Create a new object named "WGI_EAP" that only contains observations from these countries. How many observations and countries are in this new dataset? [1 point]

3. Create a new object called “WGI_EAP_SUM” which shows the country averages from Control of Corruption, Political Stability and GDP per capita. Use the group_by() and summarise() functions [1 point]

4. Report the mean, median and standard deviation of standard deviation of GDP per capita, Control of Corruption and Political Stability in this dataset. Use na.rm=TRUE to remove NA values from the calculations. [1 point]

5. Compare the mean, median and standard deviation of Control of Corruption and Political Stability in East Asia and the Pacific with that of another region of your choice. In less than 100 words, discuss your findings. [2 points]

6. Create histogram showing the distribution of Control of Corruption and a barchart showing Political Stability scores of countries in the East Asia and Pacific region. Use the WGI_EAP_SUM object created earlier. Remember to include appropriate titles and labels in your chart. In less than 100 words, discuss your findings from these two charts [4 points]

7. Produce a scatterplot showing the relationship between political stability and GDP and another showing the relationship between control of corruption and GDP. You may want to use log() to make your GDP axes more legible. Discuss your findings in less than 100 words. What does the data say about the relationship between these two variables and GDP? Are there any confounding variables that could affect the relationships between the two variables [5 points]

[Total points = 15 points]