关键词 > CS2210

CS 2210: Compiler Construction


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CS 2210: Compiler Construction

Homework #1 (60 points in total)
Due Time: September 30th, 2023

1. (10 points) Briefly describe why Java is considered to be a language that adopts interpretation/ compilation hybrid implementation.

2. (10 points) Construct a deterministic finite state transition graph for regular expression 

((0|1)∗ 0)|(001)

Here we have Σ = {0, 1}.

3. (10 points) Construct one regular expression for each of the following languages.

a) All strings of lowercase letters that contain the five vowels in order.
b) Strings with even number of quotes. That is, ’abc’, abc”dd, aa’a’a’a’ are legal strings while ’a, ’a’a’ab’a’ are illegal strings.

4. (15 points) Construct one grammar for each of the following languages.

a) The set of strings of 0s and 1s with an equal number of 0s and 1s. Σ={0,1}.

b) The set of strings of 0s and 1s with an unequal number of 0s and 1s. Σ={0,1}.

c) The set of strings of the pattern aib j c (i+j) (i,j,k≥1). Σ={a,b,c}.

5. (15 points) After reading the source code of Project 1, please answer the following questions.

a) How does the code achieve case insensitivity for identifiers and keywords?

b) Given two identifiers appearing at different places in the input, how does the code ensure that it returns the same index?

c) How does the code prevent a keyword, e.g., “if”, from being recognized as a normal identifier?