关键词 > MED7325

MED7325 Social Media as Culture and Practice


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Assessment Brief Details

Module Title: Social Media as Culture and Practice

Module Leader: Poppy Wilde Credit Value: 20

Module Code: MED7325 Occurrence: A

Academic Year:2023/4 Semester: S1

Assessment No.: 1

This Assessment accounts for 100% of the overall assessment for the module.

Assessment Title


Core Task

The assessment is a portfolio of submissions that will compromise of the following:

A critical essay exploring any social media phenomenon within contemporary culture considering its history, development, practices related to it and the characteristics that inform its production. 2000 words (+/- 10% margin). (LO1)

A portfolio of social media content created throughout the module duration, that clearly demonstrates practical engagement with social media strategies and practices discussed in the module and beyond, and evidence to increase engagement with a larger audience. Students may utilise more than one social media platform, however all should be for the same project / company / brand. You should submit a link or links to public profile(s). (LO2)

A critical reflection on their own portfolio, demonstrating clear understanding of the social media methods and practices that they have employed, incorporating their own subjective insights into the approaches and utilised. 1000 words (+/- 10% margin). (LO2)

The critical essay and the social media content/reflectiondo not need to be linked in any way.

Where to find additional guidance for this task

We will launch this assessment live in the class, where you can ask questions about the task, and extra guidance will be found on moodle. Please also the module leader for a tutorial to discuss your ideas before submission. 

Submission date:13/12/2023

Submission details

· You should include a link or links in your submission to the social media profile you have created and populated for this assignment. When providing a link you must ensure that all links are working, published, and publicly available.

· If you submit a broken link / your work is not accessible, you will fail. We strongly recommend that you ask someone else to check any links for you before submission.

· Upload your assignment to the designated assignment submission point on Moodleby 3pmon the submission date, using the coversheet provided.

· About cheating and plagiarism: You are reminded of the University regulations on cheating. Except where the assessment is group-based, the final piece of work which is submitted must be your own work. Close similarity between submissions is likely to lead to an investigation for cheating.

Feedback date:18/01/2024

Marking Criteria

Learning Outcome 1: Critically engage with scholarship on the history, character and practices of social media as culture.

Criterion 1 (weighting 50%): Success in engaging with scholarship on the history, character and practices of social media as culture.









Little to no reference to, or understanding of, scholarship.

No engagement or application of scholarship. Entirely descriptive, and potentially incoherent.

Very limited reference to, or understanding of, scholarship.

Very limited critical engagement or application of scholarship.

Some acknowledgement of relevant scholarship but still limited in scope.

Inadequate critical engagement or application of scholarship

Reference to a wide range of debates and sound understanding of scholarship.

Sound critical engagement or application of scholarship but limited application to current debates and issues.

Very good understanding of scholarship and a very wide range of debates referred to outside of set readings.

Very good critical engagement with scholarship with some application to current debates and issues.

Excellent understanding of scholarship and a very wide range of debates referred to outside of set readings.

Excellent critical engagement with scholarship, exemplified through application to current debates and issues.

Outstanding and sophisticated understanding of scholarship and an extremely wide range of debates referred to outside of set readings.

Outstanding and sophisticated critical engagement with scholarship, exemplified through application to current debates and issues.

In addition to the previous bracket, work at this level demonstrates truly original insight and synthesis of complex theories, debates, and issues.

Learning Outcome 2: Apply social media techniques and practices informed by a systematic and critical understanding of current practices, specialist approaches and innovations.

Criterion 1 (weighting 50%): Success in applying social media techniques and practices informed by a systematic and critical understanding of current practices, specialist approaches and innovations.









In Social media page demonstrates misunderstanding of appropriate social media techniques and practices. Extremely basic posts are perhaps evident, but there is no engagement with practices and approaches discussed in the module.


No critical reflection on current practices in social media.

Very few examples of applied social media techniques and practices.

Little or no critical reflection on current practices in social media.

Some examples of applied social media techniques and practices but limited in skills shown.

Inadequate critical reflection on current practices in social media.

A sound range of examples of applied social media techniques and practices and a sound level of skill shown.

Sound critical reflection on current practices in social media with attention paid to specialist approaches and innovations

A very good range of examples of applied social media techniques and practices with good skills shown.

Very good critical reflection on current practices in social media with insights into specialist approaches and innovations

Excellent range of examples of applied social media techniques and practices with a high level of skill shown.

Excellent critical reflection on current practices in social media with valuable insights into specialist approaches and innovations

Outstanding and sophisticated range of examples of applied social media techniques and practices with a very high level of skill shown.

Outstanding critical reflection on current practices in social media with sophisticated insights into specialist approaches and innovations

In addition to the previous bracket, work at this level demonstrates a professional and industry level response to the brief.

Re-submission Assessment Brief

(ONLY required if you fail the
Assessment Brief above)

You should contact your Module Tutorbefore attempting this re-submission Assessment Brief

Assessment Title


Core Task

The assessment is a portfolio of submissions that will compromise of the following:

A critical essay exploring any social media phenomenon within contemporary culture considering its history, development, practices related to it and the characteristics that inform its production. 2000 words(+/- 10% margin) . (LO1)

A portfolio of social media content created throughout the module duration, that clearly demonstrates practical engagement with social media strategies and practices discussed in the module and beyond, and evidence to increase engagement with a larger audience. Students may utilise more than one social media platform, however all should be for the same project / company / brand. You should submit a link or links to public profile(s). (LO2)

A critical reflection on their own portfolio, demonstrating clear understanding of the social media methods and practices that they have employed, incorporating their own subjective insights into the approaches and utilised. 1000 words (+/- 10% margin).  (LO2)

The critical essay and the social media content/reflectiondo not need to be linked in any way.

Where to find additional guidance for this task

Information will be provided on moodle.

Re-Submission date: 18/07/2024

Re-Submission details

· You should include a link or links in your submission to the social media profile you have created and populated for this assignment. When providing a link you must ensure that all links are working, published, and publicly available.

· If you submit a broken link / your work is not accessible, you will fail. We strongly recommend that you ask someone else to check any links for you before submission.

· Upload your assignment to the designated assignment submission point on Moodleby 3pmon the submission date, using the coversheet provided.

· About cheating and plagiarism: You are reminded of the University regulations on cheating. Except where the assessment is group-based, the final piece of work which is submitted must be your own work. Close similarity between submissions is likely to lead to an investigation for cheating.


Feedback date: 15/08/2024