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198:334 Introduction to Imaging and Multimedia Fall 2023


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198:334   Introduction to Imaging and Multimedia

Fall 2023  -  Course Syllabus

Last updated 9/6/2023 – 10:30am

Instructor: Dr. Ahmed Elgammal -- email: elgammal a-t cs.rutgers.edu

Office hours: Refer to class canvas page for uptodate office hours info

Email policy: please include “CS334” in the subject line.  Ignoring this in the subject line might results in email being missed.  Student should expect to receive a response within 24 hours on weekday

Regular class time: (All classes will be in person on campus)

Lectures: Mondays and Thursday 12:10- 1:30 PM – PH 115

Recitations:    Sec 01 Thu 4:05-5:00 PM SEC-203

Sec 02 Thu 5:55-6:50 PM HLL- 116

There will be no recording of lectures or recitations. Physical attendance is the only option.

Class Web page:  Canvas page

TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS:  Access to canvas for course materials. Access to computer labs

Course Goals

The  aim  of  CS334  is  to  introduce  fundamental  techniques  and  concepts  used  in  computational  imaging  and multimedia. Upon completion of this course, a successful student should be able to design and implement programs that deal with image, video, and audio data.


This is a basic undergraduate-level class that covers the fundamentals of image processing, computer vision and multimedia computing. The students learn about the basics of image, video, and audio formation, representations, and processing, the basics of multimedia compression and representation. The students will be exposed to dealing with image and video data through programming assignments using Java and Python.

Recommended Background:

Linear algebra, basic probability and statistics.  Java and Python (you don’t need to know Python in advance, but your will need to pick it up quickly early in the course. We will provide help with that)


.     01:198:112 OR 14:332:351   (Data Structures)

.     01:198:206 OR 14:332:226 OR 01:640:477   (Discrete Mathematics and Probability)

.     01:640:250  (Linear Algebra)


.   Introduction to Multimedia: Historical overview, multimedia representations.

.   Multimedia Digitization with digital camera as an example. Standard image formats. Colors in images and videos.

.   Image Computing: Point Operations, Filters, Binary image analysis: The basics of processing 2D images, thresholding, convolution, edge and corner detection, mathematical morphology, and shape descriptors.    Application: implementation of a simple Optical Character Recognition (OCR) System.

.   Object detection and recognition in images: intro to deep learning models using convolution neural networks

.   Fourier Transform: Understanding frequency components of signals, focusing on imaging.

.   Multimedia compression basics: Lossless Compression: Variable length coding, Dictionary based coding. Basics for Lossy Compression: Fourier Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform. Application to image

compression (JPEG compression), Video compression (MPEGs), Audio compression (MP3)

.   Multimedia at the age of AI: embedding of text, images, and other media and their applications (text-to-image, text-to-speech, …)

Programming Assignments:

Course assignments will be using Java, and/or Python. We will use ImageJ, which is an image processing library using Java. We will also use imaging libraries in Python.


.     W. Burger & M. Burge “Digital Image Processing: An algorithmic introduction using Java”, Springer    - Second Edition ISBN 978- 1447166832

Available online through Rutgers Libraries


.      Ze-Nian Li, Mark S. Drew, Jiangchuan Liu “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, Springer 2014, Second Edition ISBN 978-3-319-05289-2

Available online through Rutgers Libraries


.     Optional:  P. Havaldar and G. Medioni “Multimedia Systems – Algorithms, Standards and Industry  Practices”, Cengage Learning –  978- 1-4188-3594- 1   (recommended for some topics – not required)

Course Load

. Homework/programming assignments and small projects: (55%) ~4 assignments. All assignments are

equally weighted

. Quizzes: ~6 quizzes (15%) In class. All quizzes are equally weighted.

. Midterm: in class  (15%), in late October – early November

. Final: Online (15%)

. Optional - Extra credit Presentation: 5% can be achieved by researching and presenting a relevant

technology review topic individuals or groups of 2.  Announcement will be made on how to apply.

Tentative Class Calendar (subject to change)

FM: Fundamentals of Multimedia textbook

DIP: Digital Image Processing text book


Lecture and recitations

Week 1

. Introduction to Multimedia - FM Ch 1

Week 2

. Multimedia Digitization

. Digital Cameras - DIP Ch 2

. ImageJ introduction

. Image Formats  - DIP Ch 2 or FM Ch 3

Week 3

. Image Histograms and applications  DIP Ch 4

. Point Operations –DIP Ch 5

Week 4

. Image Filters & Convolution - DIP Ch 6

Week 5

. Edges and Corners  DIP Ch 7 & 8

Week 6

. Convolution Neural Networks.

Week 7

. Object recognition detection, and segmentation

Week 8

. Binary Image Analysis and Morphology  DIP Ch 10

. Region Descriptors  DIP Ch 11

Week 9

. Color Images, Color spaces: Color spaces for TV and Video; Color    spaces for Printing, Colorimetric color spaces. DIP Ch 12 or MS Ch


. Color quantization  DIP Ch 12

Week 10

. Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform DIP Ch 13 & 14

Week 11

. Compression: Intro to Information Theory

. Lossless compression: Variable length coding, Dictionary-based coding, LZW compression  FM   Ch 7

Week 12

. Lossy Compression, Image Compression standards, JPEG, JPEG 2000  - FM Ch 8, FM Ch 9

. Video Compression, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4- FM Ch 11

. Audio Compressions: Temporal and Frequency Masking. MP3  FM Ch 14

Week 13

. Multimedia in the Age of AI: Text, and Image embeddings and applications to text-to-image, image-to-text etc.

Week 14

. In-class presentations

Academic Integrity: Rutgers University takes academic dishonesty very seriously. By enrolling in this course, you assume responsibility for familiarizing yourself with the Academic Integrity

Policy and the possible penalties (including suspension and expulsion) for violating the policy. As per the policy, all suspected violations will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct.

Academic dishonesty includes (but is not limited to):

.   Cheating

.   Plagiarism

.   Aiding others in committing a violation or allowing others to use your work

.   Failure to cite sources correctly

.   Fabrication

.   Using another person’s ideas or words without attribution–re-using a previous assignment

.   Unauthorized collaboration

.   Sabotaging another students work in doubt, please consult the instructor