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158120 Fundamental Information Technologies Assignment 3-2023 PHP programming


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158120 Fundamental Information Technologies

Assignment 3-2023 PHP programming (15% of the course mark)

Due Thursday, 5 October 2023, 11:00 PM

Time remaining: 8 days 1 hour

Your task is to modify the php script yiew mod php so that it generates course pages like the example one displayed below. You can re-use the  CSS file you have developed for Assignment 2 or use the provided CSS file (SampleCoursePage.css). The superimposed text written (along with arrows) is for your attention.

The assignment requires you to submit the following two files:

· Modified view mod.php(You should rename this solution file to include your ID to avoid confusion with the given one)

· CSS  file


· Look at the screenshot and the marking details for guidance on what you need to do.

· Use the demonstrations in the course material for guidance on how to get started and illustrations on what not to do.

· Work in small steps: make a change to view mod.php, then test. Look at the html generated by the real view.php to see how the html needs to look in principle.

Correct approach to creating a dynamic webpage (5 marks)

· This looks at using php statements and variables to generate the html for a course page. It cannot contain static URLs.

· This also means that a page successfully renders, e.g, that there are no errors in the php that would stop a page from showing.

o To test this, use the php script to look at more than one course - do the details for the new course show up correctly?

o Modify the course, e.g, by adding new modules - does the correct information show using your php script?

o Also think about what happens if we take your php script and put it as part of the php for one of our sites - will the correct site detalls show?

Layout and formatting(3 marks)

· The page uses an external stylesheet.

· The layout and formatting are as prescribed.

· The html contains the full tags'structure,e.g. head, body.

· No dividing line after the last course section.

Information shown on the page (3 marks)

· The expected information is shown on the course page, e.g. course name, section names.

· This is shown in the correct places, e.g, in the header and footer, in the course sections.

· The first course section does not show a name.

Appropriate Links (3 marks)

· Links are presented of items as asked for.

· The  links work.

· The Log out link is correctly constructed and includes the dynamically-allocated session key.

Module count (1 mark)

· The number of modules on a course is calculated correctly.

· The number is displayed on the course page as requested.

Ekko Wu Wu

Submission comments

Comments (Q)

Submission status: No attempt

Grading status: Not marked

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Grading criteria

Correct approach to creating a dynamic webpage

This looks at using php statements and variables to generate the html for a course page. It cannot contain static urls

This also includes that a page successfully renders, e.g, that there are no errors in the php that would stop a page showing

Maximum score 5

Layout and formatting

The page uses an external stylesheet

The layout and formatting is as prescribed.

The html contains the fulltags' structure, e.g, head, body

No dividing line after the last course section.

Maximum score 3

Information shown on the page

The expected information is shown on the course page, e.g, course name, section names

This is shown in the correct places, e.g, in the header and footer in the course sections

The first course section does not show a name.

Maximum score 3

Appropriate Links

Links are presented of items as asked for

The links work

The Log out link is correctly constructed.

Maximum score 3

Module count

The number of modules on a course is calculated correctly

The number is displayed on the course page as requested.

Maximum score 1