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Professor Schorr

The project is intended to give you first-hand experience in developing a marketing plan for a new international market.


Company and Product/Service/Experience Selection

Choose a product, service, or experience category on which to focus your efforts. Once you identify a product/service/experience category, choose a company and a product/service/experience line to focus on, e.g., Procter and Gamble Pantene Shampoos and Conditioners or Hilton Hotels or Disney Theme Parks or Uber Eats. The company can be a U.S. company or a company from any other country in the world.

The company can be a company where a member of your group has worked before. Alternatively, the company could be any company that interests members of your group. It is not necessary to establish contact with the company. The project can be done entirely through secondary research on the company. However, choose a company for which you can find adequate amounts of secondary data (published/internet information). If you have a contact at the company you are researching that is fine, but it is not necessary for completion of this project.

Country Selection

You should select a country for which to develop your international marketing plan. It should be a country where your company is NOT currently marketing this product/service/experience; in other words, it should be a NEW market for your company for this product/service/experience. Please adhere to the following guidelines in selecting your country to focus on for your international marketing plan:

1.) Choose a country where you think your product/service/experience has good potential,

2.) Choose a country that interests the members of your group,

3.) Choose a country where at least one member of your group has lived before or where you have contacts so that you can more effectively find information on the country,

4.) The country you choose should NOT be the U.S. or Canada,

5.) The country you choose should NOT be the home country of the company you chose,

6.) The country you choose should be a country where your company is NOT currently marketing this product/service/experience.


The Situation Analysis

1.) Analyze customers in your new country.

2.) Analyze competitors in your new country.

3.) Analyze how your company is currently marketing the product/service in its home country and other parts of the world and how successful it has been. Then, analyze your company (including its strengths and weaknesses, resources, and capabilities) in relationship to your new country.

4.) Analyze the context (PEST environment) in your new country.

5.) Analyze the overall market conditions in your new country.

The Marketing Strategy

1.) Develop a plan for target segments, positioning, and the overall value proposition in your new country. Justify your recommendations.

2.) Develop a plan for customer acquisition and customer retention in your new country. Develop a plan for digital customer engagement in your new country. Justify your recommendations.

3.) Formulate a plan for your company’s global/international marketing strategy across countries, e.g., extent of globalization versus extent of customization. Justify your recommendations.

4.) Develop goals and objectives for your marketing plan.

The Marketing Mix

1.) Develop a plan for product and branding policy in your new country. Justify your recommendations.

2.) Develop a plan for communications and promotions in your new country, including a digital marketing and social media communications program. Justify your recommendations.

3.) Develop a plan for pricing in your new country. Justify your recommendations.

4.) Develop a plan for distribution, retailing, place, and platforms in your new country. Justify your recommendations.

Impacts and Implementation Steps

1.) Develop a budget for your marketing plan in your new country for the next three years and consider the financial implications of your plan.

2.) Prepare a timeline for implementing your recommendations in your new country over the next three years.

3.) Develop risk reduction approaches and contingencies should the risks arise.


The Written Report

1) The written report should be at most 11 pages of text (single spaced). The written report should include a one to two page executive summary (this is not included in the 11 pages of text limit). The written report should include exhibits, tables, and appendices to support the points in your text (these are not included in your 11 pages of text limit) – you may use as many exhibits, tables, and appendices as you’d like. Finally, as in any research paper, the written report should include a list of references (this is also not included in the 11 pages of text limit).

2) The written report should include a) a situation analysis for your country, b) analyses/recommendations for the marketing strategy in your country and globally, c) analyses/recommendations for the marketing mix in your country, and d) a discussion of the financial impacts and implementation considerations for your country.

The Oral Presentation

1) The oral presentation should be 6 to 7 minutes, with a maximum of 7 minutes. It should be a formal presentation making use of Power Point slides. The oral presentation should include a summary of the various components of your international marketing plan – in other words, it should include a summary of the situation analysis, a summary of the marketing strategy, a summary of the marketing mix, and a summary of the financial impacts/implementation steps.

2) Your role in the oral presentation is as members of the marketing department of your company. The presentation should be geared towards an audience consisting of the board of directors or senior executive team of your company, who need to be briefed on your international marketing plan before they can decide whether or not to approve it.

3) Please submit the Power Point slides for your presentation along with your report.

Peer Evaluations

As in other classes with group projects at the Marshall School, you will complete peer evaluations of the members of your group project team near the end of the semester. Grades for individual student contributions to the group project are assigned by the professor, based on his/her observations of the team’s working dynamics, assessment of the team’s project quality, and thoughtful consideration of the information provided through your peer evaluations. A copy of the peer evaluation form is included on the next page.





Please allocate 100 points among your team members, including yourself, to reflect each person’s relative contribution to your team. Write the name of each member of your team, including yourself, in the spaces below and then assign points to each person. Make sure the points add up to 100.

List Name of Person Points

Yourself          __________________________ _________   

Team Member __________________________ _________

Team Member __________________________ _________

Team Member __________________________ _________

Team Member __________________________ _________

Total: ___100___

Division of Work

Please indicate how you divided up the work on the marketing plan. Please describe who was responsible for the various parts of the group project.


Please explain why you divided up the 100 points the way you did. This explanation is an important component of the peer evaluations, so please take the time to provide a thorough explanation. Peer evaluations that have a good explanation will be taken more seriously than those that do not (please continue onto a second page, if necessary).