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Department of Public Health 2023/2024 year 1st semester


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Department of Public Health

2023/2024 year 1st semester

Project Work Requirements of Medical Sociology Course for 2nd Year Medical Students

During the semester, students will have to work on a project in small groups (maximum 3-4 students per group) in order to learn how to perform a scientific research.

The project work includes a research plan related to a pre-selected topic,a review of the scientific  literature  related  to  the  topic,  a  questionnaire  OR  an  interview,  and  a presentation of the project work. Students will be rewarded with maximum of 40 points for the project work

Steps of the project work

1.   Topic/title (1st slide). Maximum 2 points.

2.   Research questions, goals, hypotheses (2nd slide). Maximum 4 points. 3.   Presentation of the theoretical background of the research question(s).

(maximum  10 slides, maximum  10  minutes duration). Maximum  10 points.

Select  two   articles from  the  literature  uploaded  to  CooSpace (Presentation folder)  and  collect  8-10 scientific  literature  on  a given   topic   by  performing   literature   research   (pubmed.com; sciencedirect.com,   statistical   databases,   etc.).   Summarise   the background in a few sentences.

Literature references should be listed in alphabetical order (APA style), at the end of the presentation. References to the literature should be given in brackets in the text;for one author: lastname of author,year (Abbott, 2005),for two authors: lastname of authors, year (Dore-Duffy and LaManna, 2007), for several authors: last name of first author, year (Blasiole et al., 2007).

4.   Describe   the   significance   of   your   own   research   in   relation   with medicine. Maximum 2 points.

5.   Introduce the method. Maximum 10 points.

.    Interview (questions and answers) OR

.    Questionnaire (online or paper-based, which the students fill out for each other during the test survey).


. Attach the interview (at least 10- 15 questions + answers).

. The interviewee must be a competent person in the chosen topic.

. The  interview  should  last  for  20-25  minutes.  It  is  up  to  the students how to formulate the specific interview questions.

. Recommended interview topics:

.    professional socialisation, career orientation  - career choice, prior knowledge, family patterns, difficulties of their career.

.    initial difficulties - variants of solutions

.    working conditions, satisfaction, doctor-patient relationship - communication, teamwork

.    role conflict -family and career - possible solutions

.    professional vision, preconceptions vs. reality

.    experiences  of doctor-patient encounters explored through a medical  sociology  theme  (e.g.  addiction,  disability,  sexual health, stigma, compliance etc.)


. Attach   and  present  the   questionnaire  (if  you  use  an   online questionnaire, please include the link to the questionnaire in the submitted research design).

. The questionnaire should contain at least 15 -20 questions (and answer  options),  measures  the   dependent  and  independent variables    and    comply    with     the    rules    of    questionnaire construction.

. If   you    use    a   validated    questionnaire   or    scale    (e.g.   Beck Depression   Scale,    Yale-Brown    Obsessive-Compulsive   Scale, Bogardus Scale, etc.), please provide the name of the instrument and a justification for its use in your presentation.

6.   Describe the composition, size of the sample and sampling procedure. Maximum 2 points.

The structure, requirements and evaluation criteria of the presentation:

.    Duration:    presentation    time    20-25    minutes    +    10    minutes discussion. Maximum 2 points

.    Content:  the  slides  are  neat;  the  text  in  the  slides  is  clear  and understandable. Maximum 3 points

.    Style   of  presentation,   interactivity:   rhetorical   quality   of  the presentation, debating skills, quality of interactivity, 3-4 questions per  presentation  regarding  the  project  work  in  the  last  slide,  to which  the  group   responds;  the   presenter   also  responds  to  the questions posed by the group. Maximum 5 points