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BMGT315 Project Planning and Management SEMESTER 2 2023 Assessment 2


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Project Planning and Management



Assessment 2

Due Date: Friday, 29 September 2023

Time:  11:59 pm (NZT)

Total Marks: 100


· This is an individual assessment and has 30% weighting.

· For creating the Project Plan you have two options to choose from:

1. You can use one of the project scenario provided with this assessment OR

2. If you wish to use a real project, please email the Course Examiner to discuss this and get approval before 16 September 2023. Failure to do so will result in a zero mark in the assessment.

· Students must submit a copy electronically via Turnitin dropbox on the Course Moodle site. There is NO need to submit a hardcopy.

· Late submissions will be subject to the late assignment procedures indicated in the course outline.

· Please use the Project Plan template provided for this assessment and follow the following formatting instructions for your Project Plans –

o Use Calibri 12 point font with 1.5 spacing

o Include Page Numbers

· For this assessment you are also required to read credible academic literature relevant to the questions. You need to show evidence of this by including in-text citations throughout your assignment using APA referencing style.

Important: APA referencing is essentially required for in-text citations and reference list. If you are unsure how to do APA referencing, refer to the Library resources.

SECTION A: Project Plan (Part A)

1. Create a project priority matrix for the project scenario by clearly justifying your choices. Also, indicate why the triple constraint is a critical aspect of any project regarding its scope.

2. Create the following parts for the project plan (refer to the marking guide for details on what is required from each part of the project plan):

a. Project scope statement (as part of Project Scope Management)

b. Work Breakdown Structure (as part of Project Scope Management)

c. RAM (as part of Project Resource Management Plan)

d. Precedence and Duration table and Network Diagram (as a part of Project Schedule Management)

e. Stakeholder analysis (as part of Project Stakeholder Management)

f. Communication plan (as part of Project Communication Management)

3. For each section of the project plan, add a theoretical description describing each section’s purpose from credible references and using correct APA referencing. Remember to paraphrase the content.


Your assignment should be submitted using the Project Plan template included and in an acceptable format. You need to use appropriate referencing for the theoretical description which must be clearly established, researched and credible. Do a spelling and grammar check to avoid spelling errors. Include in-text citations and a full APA reference list.

BMGT315 – Assessment 2: Marking guide

Project Plan Item



(10 marks)

Constraints are correctly allocated to either Fix, Optimise or Accept.  A discussion supported by the information in the charter is provided for allocation of each constraint.

Response about the triple constraints explains impact on project scope.

Presentation and referencing

(5 marks)

The assignment has been submitted in an acceptable format following the formatting instructions.

Uses the Project Plan template provided.

Uses appropriate referencing for the theoretical descriptions and these are researched well.

Includes page numbers, in-text citations and a full APA reference list.


(10 marks)

Explanation of scope statement provided. The project is described,

- Project scope defined clearly

- at least THREE (3) deliverables identified & measurable acceptance criteria per deliverable explicitly stated

- at least ONE (1) item that is excluded from the project,

- at least TWO (2) risks identified noted

- at least TWO (2) specific project constraints noted,

- at least TWO (2) project assumptions noted.


(10 marks)

Explanation of WBS provided.

Between 20 and 25 lowest level tasks, high level tasks logical, task breakdown logical, hierarchy correctly indicated, verb and object used at lowest level.


(10 marks)

Explanation of RAM provided.

Only lowest level activities have responsibilities indicated, only one person accountable (A) per activity. Each activity also has at least one person responsible (R), consult (C) and inform (I) used appropriately, RACI key indicated.


(10 marks)

Explanation for Precedence and Duration table provided.

Relationship between activities and WBS indicated correctly, correct WBS activities used for the schedule, duration calculations using three-point estimate shown, duration in days not hours and correct, predecessors logical,. The precedence table should ensure that the project is done in the shortest possible time by means of ensuring that as many tasks as possible are done in parallel.


(25 marks)

Explanation provided for Network Diagram.

Network diagram corresponds with precedence and duration table, forward pass correctly calculated, backward pass correctly calculated, float indicated correctly, key indicated, critical path(s) clearly indicated on the diagram and written out.


(10 marks)

Explanation of stakeholder holder analysis provided. At least six (6) stakeholders identified Power and Interest identified for each stakeholder correctly. Also indicated on a grid/matrix, clearly discusses how the power and interest for each stakeholder was arrived at. Includes engagement approach.


(10 marks)

Communication plan developed for stakeholders identified. This includes identifying project’s needs, stakeholders’ needs, communication method, frequency, and purpose.