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Strategic Financial Analysis – BUSS 3083


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Strategic Financial Analysis – BUSS 3083

Individual presentations – Assignment 1B

This case study assessment is worth 20% of your course mark.

This assessment is comprised of two separate tasks, which follow a similar format. It is designed so that each task builds on the content covered and the work you have done in your weekly course activities and across the program.

A submission link for each part of the assignment will be made available on LearnOnline closer to the deadline.


1.   To demonstrate that you can undertake a case study analysis of the topics covered in relation to business context

2.   To demonstrate your capacity to translate technical information into insightful information that a risk-averse investor (your target audience) with limited knowledge can understand

3.   To demonstrate your capacity to communicate orally and in writing to a range of stakeholders, using digital technology.

This assessment encompasses the five Course Objectives and six of the UniSA Graduate Qualities

detailed in the Course Outline, including oral communication skills. The assessment design in this

course is also underpinned by the UniSA Business Enterprise Skills Framework and AACSB Assurance of Learning practices.

The Task: Recorded PowerPoint Presentation and Case Study Analysis

You will undertake a ratio analysis on the same case study company as you have been allocated for your final team assessment, summarise your analysis, and present it to a risk-averse investor lacking in technical expertise. This task will involve standardisation and the interpretation of ratios to prepare you for your team case study report.

You will need to follow these steps:

1.   Using the Microsoft Excel workbook provided for this topicon LearnOnline, change the data to reflect your company’s results for a minimum of the last three years. Analyse and


    Profitability using a Modified DuPont analysis as per the Excel workbook provided     Sustainable growth rate for your company

    Cash flow analysis

Please note that Chapter 5 of the textbook has detailed lists of the different ratios

available for different types of analysis. Please also read the instructions contained in the   Excel workbook. It is necessary to provide an interpretation of the calculated ratios so that your audience has a clear understanding of the implications of these results on their

investment decision making.

2.   Undertake your analysis and record a 5-minute video and audio PowerPoint slide show presentation.

3.   Your slideshow must be appropriate for an ordinary risk-averse investor with limited knowledge.

Specific guidance for the assessment

PowerPoint Slides

This PowerPoint is destined to be understood by a risk-averse investor with limited knowledge. The language must be polite and formal, and avoid technical terms where possible. If such terms are included, they must be explained informal but non-technical language.

Your PowerPoint must be structured as follows:

1.   Title page with your name, student number, case study number/title.

2.   At least FIVE SLIDES summarising the content you are speaking to in the recording.

3.   One additional reference slide with AT LEAST THREE relevant academic or other appropriate

references,for example a government report or company information from ASX/ASIC, using the UniSA APA Referencing system.

You may select your own design for the PowerPoint slides, but it must be formal and consistent with the marking guide criteria. Marking rubrics are available on the LearnOnline course site.

Selection of information presented

In any presentation of information to an audience, there is often insufficient time/space within

which to respond. It is into this space you may find yourself with the recording you are preparing. As such you will need to exercise professional judgement to determine (1) exactly what aspects you

wish to focus on and (2) what items of analysis you wish to emphasise.

It is imperative for you to present your findings within the time constraint. Therefore, your selection and emphasis of specific items is important.

Further details on preparing recorded presentations

You must prepare a 5-minute voice and video over PowerPoint presentation.

The presentation must show the slides, your face speaking to the camera, and be clearly audible. Please also position your camera so that hand gestures are also visible. You must use language which can be understood by a risk-averse investor with limited knowledge who is your target audience for the purpose of this assessment.

The language must be polite and formal, and avoid technical terms where possible. If such terms are included, they must be explained informal but non-technical language.

Your recording must be within the designated time range. You may use short notes, or hand- held prompt cards, but MUST NOT read directly from them or from a script.

Important Note:

Though some versions of Microsoft PowerPoint offer in screen recording, not all versions do. It is recommended that you utilise Zoom recording to record you presentation.

General information for this assignment

Academic integrity

As this is a capstone course, students will be familiar with rules regarding academic integrity from

their prior studies. For your reference, further details are available at


Students should save all ‘work in progress’ drafts that lead to the final submission in case these need to be reviewed for Academic Integrity purposes.

Use of Generative Aritifical Intelligence (GenAI)

The purpose of this assessment is to test a student's own ability to understand, synthesise and communicate information to inform business decision-making.

The use of GenAI to generate text (which is presented on a slide or spoken by a student) that is directly used (or paraphrased and used) as part of an assessment item, regardless of

acknowledgement, is not permitted. Inappropriate and uncited use of GenAI is considered academic misconduct.

Late penalty

10% of total marks available per day, or part thereof, overdue without approved extension.   Assignments submitted more than 7 calendar days after the due date will not be accepted or marked.